Thursday, August 23, 2012

short post

I was just about to start writing when Conan called for me. I'll get to what happened in a minute, but needless to say, I'm not up for writing much now. I'll give you a few bullet points from our day though...
* Saw a new organization idea last night on pinterest and decided I needed to implement immediately.
* Bryce was up for a good 3 hours straight last night because I refused to pick him up out of his crib and hold him. Is he really 16 months old and not sleeping through the night?? Unfortunately, yes.
* Walked with Chris and Bryce to Union Square in the morning to get said organizational tool.
* Met up with Chris' friends and Moms from school at the playground. The kids played for hours (2, 3? , I don't know for sure, but it was a long time.
* Decided to treat the kids to McDonalds for lunch. (this is where our problem of the night stems from, I'm afraid). All of them were so happy. And quiet. And well mannered. It's amazing what the chicken nugget can accomplish with 4 year olds.
* Took the kids back home for naps. We had a big afternoon, and there was no way I was going to power through no nap with Chris after all of the walking and playground time.
* Filed like a mad woman while the boys were napping (it's an exciting life I lead, I know).
* The boys woke up! Time for our adventure... Harlem! Chevy and I are doing a 5K this weekend and the number pick up was there. Chris was very excited to get to take a train he had never taken before
* We go on the train and things were fine for about 5 minutes until Bryce started getting really fussy. I tried everything, but quickly realized there was no way he was going to last another 100 blocks on the train without an intervention.
* Got off at Times Square and searched frantically for a news stand with a snack before the next train left. Found one. Trail mix, candy and fruit snacks. Bryce can't eat nuts, definitely no candy. Fruit snacks it is.
* Get back on the train. Bryce loves the fruit snacks. He's so happy and is wolfing them down. There's no stopping this kid. I think twice about them, but we're aways from dinner, so I don't worry much.
* Get off in Harlem. Slightly nervous at first, but the area we stopped was hopping. There was a huge choir singing outside the building where we were picking the numbers at.
* Sigh of relief. Done.
* Get back on the train. A man pulls out his electric guitar, and then proceeds to plug it into his amp and start singing. About 2 feet away from Bryce's head. Bryce cries. And cries. Man keeps singing totally crazy, inappropriate songs the entire time and then asks us for money.
*Finally make it back home. Conan got off work early and is home! Eat dinner. Bryce won't touch his food. Hmm.
* Outside play time. Kickball!
* Baths and bedtime.
* Conan calls for me. Bryce has puked all over him. Can I hold him so he can jump in the shower? Sure. Grab Bryce. Get puked all over as well. Clean for a good hour.
* Never, ever feed Bryce McDonalds and fruit snacks in the same day. Probably never feed him either ever again.
* Blog entirely too many details about our crazy day.
* The end! I'm going to go sleep through the night (bwahahaha!)


Bizibit said...

Hopy Bryce's tummy is feeling better!

Rachel said...

Well, not so short but necessary! I'm sorry you got puked on. I hope you and Conan got clean and slept through the night! You're a trooper for blogging EVERYDAY of this month! And with sick kids! My goodness- Mom of the Year!
Miss you guys!

Amy said...

Thanks Bonnie and Rachel!
Rachel, you are the one getting mom of the year... 2 little ones and moving, been thinking of you all lots!!