Monday, January 31, 2011

Christopher's First Fish

For some reason this plays twice. I haven't figured out how to edit the video yet, so at about 1:40 when it seems like Chris is just saying the same things over again, turn it off. Or, it's pretty cute, so watch it again : ).

This is from our trip to Ohio last fall. Chris had just caught his first fish. At the end of this negotiation process with Dad, I opened the door to welcome them back from their fishing trip, and ended up with a very excited LG holding a dead fish.

Friday, January 28, 2011

27 Weeks

Ok, I think now I'm officially in the third trimester. Things are going well. Chris got to feel the baby kick for the first time. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Right afterwards he put a helicopter up to my stomach so the baby would have something to play with. He also pretends like he's going to give the baby a kiss, and then does a big raspberry on my belly. He thinks it's the funniest thing that's ever happened (it is pretty hilarious). According to What to Expect, Baby weighs about 2# and is the length of a barbie doll. I get weighed at every OB visit, and I can do the math on how much weight I've gained that isn't baby. If I were to ever write a prenatal book, I would just say Baby weighs 20#, and Mom you haven't gained an ounce. I don't care if it's stretching the truth, it's what I want to hear right now. Hmm... probably don't want to think of having a 20# baby when I'm going into labor though.

The post where I blame Chris for not posting

I'm not one to point fingers, but the reason I haven't posted any pictures this week is all Christopher's fault : ). Have I mentioned that my camera is broken? It was the worst kind of injury. It works well enough to not need a new one, but the things that don't work are really annoying. A certain little someone dropped it a few months ago, and now it takes pictures, but I have to have a special USB stick for the memory card, I can't just plug the cord into my computer and download them. It also doesn't recognize the date on any of the pictures, it says they were all taken in January of 1980. This all worked fine, until a certain little someone decided to put the USB memory stick in the bottom of the trash can that we never use in our bedroom. So, I have all sorts of fun snow pictures and things of the sort on my camera, and I was thinking I had gone crazy, because it's normally always in the same spot on my desk. Today he came in and got me and was saying "There's something in the trash". The way he was telling me, I honestly thought it was some sort of rodent, or bug, or other scary thing. I had no idea it would be the thing I had been looking for all week. At any rate, yay for finding it, and more posts to come in the near future!

p.s. I have to tell this story since I'm on the subject. I had lost my house keys for months. I had a new set made and thought I would never find them again. Last week I was moving a pair of Conan's fishing boots. They were in a tightly sealed grocery bag. I took them out and was about to put them in the closet. All of the sudden I heard jingling, and guess what was in the bottom of a shoe? The keys were found! It's really amazing the hiding spots the LG finds. Always keeps me on my toes!

p.p.s. I should also mention my fabulous husband bought me a new camera for Christmas and I just haven't read the instruction manual to figure out how to use it yet.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Preschool Interview

Have I mentioned how crazy this city is recently? Probably, but I'm going to do it again anyways. Chris had his first preschool interview today. Yes, it's January. School won't start for another 8 months. Yes, he's 2. You don't even have to interview to get into college, do you? The process of getting into preschool in NYC is nuts. My preschool applications for Chris were due before Chevy's for her PhD program. I'm not even going to start on what they get away with charging for programs for 3 year olds here. He better be doing calculus by the time preschool is over.

So today was the first interview. They had five kids come in and the teachers rotated around and talked to them and played with them. Chris rocked it at first. He was on his best behavior and played well with the other kids. Then, he found the letters. If you know Chris, you know he could play letters all day long. He was putting them up on a magnetic board, and the teachers were all impressed with how well he knew them. Score! The head of the program even complemented me on how verbal he is. I was finally beginning to relax when... Clean up time. No big deal. Sing a cute song, and Chris can clean up with the best of them. Unless he's just made a huge letter masterpiece. And another little girl comes up and starts taking his letters down. And then it was all over. Chris went into dramatic meltdown mode. You know, crying, running in place, and then throwing himself into my arms. Awesome. It lasted less than a minute, but I'm afraid it probably outweighed the other 59 minutes. Oh well. Chris ended on a high note. After snack time he cleaned up his trash and some of the other kid's cups as well, but I think the damage had been done. Oh well, who could resist this cheeser right?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

26 Weeks

So, I think Christopher is going to have to start sharing this blog. Little Guys in the Big City? I had thought about doing a separate blog for each. Considering my lack of posts on this one at times, I think it would be easier for me to just keep up with one. Since Conan has 4 siblings, he's told me it's important I do equal amounts for all of the kids, or I'm going to hear about it later (you should see Conan's baby books- amazing!). I think I'm just going to try to do different fun things to remember each one as a baby. I love Rachel's idea of taking one picture a month in the same chair, so I think we'll do that. I'm also going to try to take a belly shot every week of my third trimester, so here's the first (maybe 26 weeks is still in the 2nd trimester?). Regardless, here it is...

This pregnancy is going really well. The poor kid, I'm so preoccupied with the Little Guy, I barely notice I'm pregnant. Except when I have to pick things up off of the ground, that's getting a little more challenging. He kicks a lot now, usually as soon as I sit down he starts. Conan can feel it from the outside now. There are times when I can see my whole belly move. He's also done flips for me a few times, most of the time when I'm in a weird position in prenatal yoga. We're getting really excited to meet our Littlest Guy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Chris has been talking a lot for the past few months, but he was repeating phrases that we used. These past few weeks he's been coming up with his own creative sentences. Here are some funny things he's said recently...

Chris and I were laying on his bed reading the other evening, and I told him I needed to go cook dinner. He said (his exact words), "Mom, you stay here and rest, I'll go make the pizza."

Conan, Chris and I were eating oatmeal and apples for breakfast on Saturday. He had eaten all of his apples and I was trying to talk him into eating oatmeal. He looked at me and said, "I just like apples sooo much."

Chris has been pretending a lot now. He tells me that his animals are sick all of the time. Each switches between being sick and "all better". Except poor rooster, he's always sick. The other day his doggy was sick and he brought him over to Dad's water and let him drink out of it. He told me that he was Dr. Chris and he gave doggy some medicine and now he's all better now.

So cute! I love this age!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Day in the Life of Chris

Warning: This post is excessively long and contains mundane details of our everyday life. Just throwing that out there before you start reading.

Our days go by so fast around here. I thought I'd capture what it is we do all day, so we can remember what it was like. I took a picture at the top of every hour, here goes...

7:00 a.m.
Good morning, sunshine! No matter what time it is, Chris always wakes up in a good mood.
p.s. I love footie jammies!

8:00 a.m.
Breakfast. Are you wondering what's on his plate? Cheerio sandwiches (Cheerios with cream cheese between them.) Conan invented them, and now it's impossible to eat plain Cheerios. Thanks Dad : ).

9:00 a.m.
Chris catching a few cartoons while mom gets ready to go. No, he doesn't normally stand that close to the tv.

10:00 a.m.
Here we are at the doctor's office. Chris has gone to every one of my OB appointments. He is always ridiculously good. I'm sure the special snacks and books I bring along help, but I think he just knows what the alternative is (babysitter, gasp!) and stays on his best behavior. It's also an office full of ladies who love him, so that makes it a little easier.

11:00 a.m.
Lunch. I had to fast for this appointment. When we got home I was starving, so we ate lunch earlier than normal. Chris is in a really good eating phase, which makes life much easier on Mom and Dad.

12:00 p.m.
Still eating. How is that even possible? To be fair, we did have a potty break and a clean up all of the water we spilled break. He was in super silly mode by this time, so I was just trying to get a few more bites down him by this time.

1:00 p.m.
Reading before nap time. This is one of his favorites, Alphabet Adventure. The reason he likes it so much is because the capital T is in charge of all of the letters in the book. It was a good two weeks late to the library (Oops. No worries, I returned it today!).

2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Napping. I wanted to get a picture of how adorable he looks in his new big kid, twin bed, but no way am I waking him up during his nap! I'll post pics of his new bed soon, though.

4:00 p.m.
Sticker time! Santa found these awesome alphabet stickers for Christmas. Conan always laughs when he gets home because both of us are usually covered in letter stickers. I've definitely been known to go out and public with letters all over myself and not even realize it.

5:00 p.m.

NY Kids Club! Chris loves it here. It's just all kid sized equipment with balls and padded walls. The kids go totally nuts. Chris pretty much just jumps on the trampoline the. entire. time.

6:00 p.m.
Quick grocery store run on the way home. Chris and I are slightly addicted to clementine oranges. It's my fault. I ate so many when I was pregnant with him I had to make sure there wasn't some weird clementine + pregnancy toxicity. We go through a bag every couple of days and needed to replenish : ).

7:00 p.m.
This is the standard mom makes dinner, while Chris goes through/wears everything in the kitchen cabinets hour.

8:00 p.m.
Dinner with Dad! It's always more entertaining when Dad comes home. There was definitely some singing going on when I took this picture, I wish I could remember the song!

9:00 p.m.
Our sweet neighbor, Jo surprised us with some cookies after dinner. She stayed for some tea and Chris got to tell her all of his stories. She brought him a lollipop, so he was over the moon.
Then, it was bedtime routine and night, night for our exhausted Little Guy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Conan's interviewing lots of people at work this week, so I thought I'd do a little interview of my own with Chris tonight at dinner.

Hi Chris, what is your favorite...
letter? T
color? yellow
food? broccoli (nice answer, Chris!)
number? 4
state? Oklahoma (whaaat? I said, and he changed it to New York City)
animal? turtle
ice cream? button (as he pointed to the button on my shirt and cracked up)
day of the week? Super Soccer Sunday (tears, we didn't sign up for Super Soccer Stars this semester)
book? nursery rhymes
subway? 4/5/6
bus? M23
drink? broccoli water (again, huge giggle fest)
thing you did today? potty

I wonder if Conan's getting any of the same responses I got from the LG during his interviews?