Monday, January 24, 2011

Preschool Interview

Have I mentioned how crazy this city is recently? Probably, but I'm going to do it again anyways. Chris had his first preschool interview today. Yes, it's January. School won't start for another 8 months. Yes, he's 2. You don't even have to interview to get into college, do you? The process of getting into preschool in NYC is nuts. My preschool applications for Chris were due before Chevy's for her PhD program. I'm not even going to start on what they get away with charging for programs for 3 year olds here. He better be doing calculus by the time preschool is over.

So today was the first interview. They had five kids come in and the teachers rotated around and talked to them and played with them. Chris rocked it at first. He was on his best behavior and played well with the other kids. Then, he found the letters. If you know Chris, you know he could play letters all day long. He was putting them up on a magnetic board, and the teachers were all impressed with how well he knew them. Score! The head of the program even complemented me on how verbal he is. I was finally beginning to relax when... Clean up time. No big deal. Sing a cute song, and Chris can clean up with the best of them. Unless he's just made a huge letter masterpiece. And another little girl comes up and starts taking his letters down. And then it was all over. Chris went into dramatic meltdown mode. You know, crying, running in place, and then throwing himself into my arms. Awesome. It lasted less than a minute, but I'm afraid it probably outweighed the other 59 minutes. Oh well. Chris ended on a high note. After snack time he cleaned up his trash and some of the other kid's cups as well, but I think the damage had been done. Oh well, who could resist this cheeser right?

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