Sunday, October 30, 2011


We've had a crazy weekend. We had 2 birthday parties each this weekend and last. It's been lots of fun, but between that and Bryce deciding he doesn't sleep at night anymore, I think we're all a little tired.

We had our first snow yesterday. Very early, I know. I hope it's not a sign of what's to come this winter. We walked back from Ayla's party in the sleet. Brr. Chris decorated cupcakes, played pinata, and ran around like a crazy man for 2 hours. So fun!

His friend from school, Ian had his party today. It was a pirate/princess party. They went around and collected treasures, decorated a treasure chest, jumped on bubble wrap, and did the chicken dance. I don't think Chris could have thought of more fun activities if he tried.

Tomorrow is his school Halloween parade and trick or treating!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rainy day

It rained all day here. Bleh. Chris had school and Bryce had a playdate this morning. It was the first time we had people over just for Bryce and it was adorable. I think he had a good time. There was definitely lots of clapping going on.

This afternoon we played letters on the door. In case you can't read it from the picture, here's the sentence we made: chrisandcatdogalligatorpigfedextoqu
Makes perfect sense, right?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall day of fun

Chris is in school three mornings a week. We're always so rushed on school days that I try to have fun mornings on our days off.

This morning he slept until 8 (this never happens!). When he woke up we had pumpkin pancakes in a fort. After I put Bryce down for a nap we painted pumpkins. Then, we all went to the playground and met up with one of his friends. After naps we ate pumkin chocolate chip cookies. It was such a perfect day!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Grocery shopping

I put Bryce in the grocery cart for the first time today while Chris was at school!


We were eating dinner tonight and Chris said he wanted dessert. I told him we didn't have anything and he said "we do, we do". I asked him what and he said "broccoli". Makes this dietitian Mama oh so proud!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October with Gaga

Gaga was in town last week. We had lots of fun and kept her very busy. The first weekend she was here we went to a fundraiser walk down the East river for Chris' school. It was lots of fun and Chris walked the full thing, almost 2 miles! 

We had painters come the first couple of weekdays she was here, so we had to vacate our apartment during the day. We walked  Times Square (see Starbucks pic) and the Chelsea market. We also got to see Rachel when she was here for the Martha Stewart show! We ate lots of good meals- shake shack, thai, donut plant. On Friday Chris had to get a flu shot, so we took him to ride the turtle carousel and to the playground as a treat.

Friday night we took the ferry to meet Doug and Kristi (Chris' Godmother) at the Brooklyn Bridge. The next day we went to the 9/11 memorial. They did a wonderful job on it, the picture doesn't do it justice. We had a great time and can't wait to see Gaga again soon!


I love the age of 3 (most of the time). Chris says the funniest things. The other day we were walking to school and he told me he had a hard time going to sleep the night before. I asked him why and he said he was just thinking. I got a little nervous about what was keeping my sweet baby up and asked him what he was thinking about. His reply... "animals".

The same kind of thing happened again when he told me he needed to talk to me about something. I got down at his level and gave him my full attention... this time it was colors that he needed to discuss.
Love him!


Dear Bryce,
Good job clapping for the first time at 3:00 in the morning. Unfortunately, we don't accept milestones between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. Let's try again when it's light outside.
Lots of love!
Mom and Dad

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Bryce loves peas. So far they seem to be second to carrots. I couldn't be more proud! Conan said he looked like he just ate an alien after he finished this meal : ).

Tree climbing!

Chris has been asking me to help him climb a tree for the past week. He wants to be like Zacheus in his children's bible. Due to the fact that I usually have a baby in my hands/am pretty wussy, he hasn't had the opportunity... until now! I got this picture about 3 minutes after Conan took him out walking this afternoon. Chris was so proud of himself!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Times square

Chris woke up talking about Times Square today. Since Conan is taking the week off and we're having a NY staycation, we thought we would take a trip over this evening.

We ate at TGI Fridays. It's amazing how much more we like chain restaurants than we used to since we never get to eat at them anymore. FYI, it costs twice as much to eat at the one in Times Square than anywhere else.

Then we went to M&M world.  Chris was so excited. He loves M&M's. I credit successful potty training to them. We picked out all of our favorite colors and ate them on our cab ride home. Bryce had the biggest eyes as were driving through the light of Times Square. Such a fun night!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bryce is 6 Months

Bryce is half a year old today! I can't believe it. He has been such an easy baby that I feel like it's made this time go even faster than normal. It seems like we just had a newborn!

Bryce is lots of fun. He's constantly smiling, especially for the ladies : ). He laughs lots now. Are baby laughs not the cutest? He's been eating up a storm this last week. Tonight he tried parsnips. I don't think I've ever even  had parsnips. He is really getting into things now. He pulls anything he sees, my hair seems to be his favorite. He loves to play. We've gotten out Chris' baby toys and Bryce is having a great time with them. He's almost got sitting down. He can do it by himself for a few seconds, and then topples over. He comes and goes on the sleeping. Just when I think he's in a good sleeping routine he has some rough nights. I definitely saw every hour on the clock last night. I'm going to blame it on teething. I may or may not have been saying that for the last 2 months and we still don't have any teeth. 

We have had such a great 6 months with Bryce! We can't wait for all of the fun to come!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tummy time!

Bryce is becoming a tummy time pro! He gets all the way on his hands to pick himself up. I've seen him get on his hands and knees one time. I'm going to need a couple more months before you start crawling, Bryce Man. I've got some serious re-baby proofing to do!


Chris has been going to yoga once a week. He loves it. He listens in class really well and is quite the little yogi.

My boys

Conan came home from work a while ago and snapped this of the boys in my lap. Love them!

What Bryce does while Big Brother is at school...

Don't tell Chris : )

Donut plant

After church last weekend we tried to go to Eataly for lunch. We were a little early to order anything, so we walked around Chelsea trying somewhere to serve us lunch. Lucky us walked right by the Donut Plant. Amazing! The creme brule  donut is like the best creme brule combined with the beat donut you've ever had. We ate on the pedestrian area of Broadway. Such a fun morning! (The shiny pic is the restroom there- it was top to bottom tiny mirrors with a disco ball on the ceiling. I had to share : )

Bryce is eating!

We started feeding Bryce on 10/1/11. It was about a week before he turned 6 months, I know, we're crazy like that. He loved eating! We started with rice cereal. He nearly took Conan's hand off because he was eating so quickly. We just put the spoon by his lips and he slurped it down. I'm sure he wondered what's been taking us so long. He's been looking at us longingly while we eat for the past month. We skipped all of the "one food for three days before you start another" business and have been experimenting with lots of new foods. So far he's had peas, carrots, and bananas. He loved the peas and carrots. He just had a few bites of the bananas and made some bad faces (Dad may not be too upset about that one). We are so proud of our good eater!