Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bryce is 6 Months

Bryce is half a year old today! I can't believe it. He has been such an easy baby that I feel like it's made this time go even faster than normal. It seems like we just had a newborn!

Bryce is lots of fun. He's constantly smiling, especially for the ladies : ). He laughs lots now. Are baby laughs not the cutest? He's been eating up a storm this last week. Tonight he tried parsnips. I don't think I've ever even  had parsnips. He is really getting into things now. He pulls anything he sees, my hair seems to be his favorite. He loves to play. We've gotten out Chris' baby toys and Bryce is having a great time with them. He's almost got sitting down. He can do it by himself for a few seconds, and then topples over. He comes and goes on the sleeping. Just when I think he's in a good sleeping routine he has some rough nights. I definitely saw every hour on the clock last night. I'm going to blame it on teething. I may or may not have been saying that for the last 2 months and we still don't have any teeth. 

We have had such a great 6 months with Bryce! We can't wait for all of the fun to come!

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