Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do they have Triple A for strollers?

I think being a mom is the best job there is. Most of the time I can't believe how fast our days go. Occasionally we have days that where I count the minutes until Conan gets home. Thursday was one of those days. 

The LG caught the little cold that's been going around the playground over the weekend. He has been feeling much better. I didn't learn my lesson from the croup a few months ago and let him cough and sneeze in my face as much as he wanted. I, of course now have what he has. He was up from about 4:00 am on, and so I was also. I was not functioning well Friday morning and just laid on the couch. He would play with his toys for a couple of minutes, crawl over to me and try to get me to come down, and then go back to playing. After the tylenol kicked in I started feeling much better and decided we should go take a walk- or the LG was running dangerously low on diapers and I didn't have much of a choice. 

We got to the drug store and, what do you know?  There was not one brand that had his size.  I searched around the store and finally found the ginormous box of Huggies size 3. Lucky us. So, I stuffed that huge box of diapers in the bottom of the stroller and was on my way. 

Since we were already out, I decided to make a stop at the library. I had a book on hold (no way was it Tori Spelling's new book- I would never go out of my way to pick that up). So we got to the library and I took the super slow elevator up to the first floor and checked out. On my way out I decided I would just carry the stroller down the 3 little stairs. I've done it before, and I didn't feel like waiting for the elevator. As I picked it up, the stroller crumbled in my hands. Now my baby's suspended upside down in it as I try to hold on before it completely collapses, as people are walking right by me. Finally a nice librarian came out behind the counter and held on to the stroller as I unbuckled my little man. I must have looked a little distraught. He told me to go sit down and moved  my now totaled stroller along with world's largest box of diapers into the corner. He asked if I had someone to call. I honestly thought about pulling out my Triple A card. I mean it's how I get around this crazy city, maybe they could have helped.  I know, I know, it's just a stroller, but this isn't a rinky dink stroller- it's the Bumbleride. It's served as my only form of transportation since we got to NY. So here I am, holding Christopher, trying to figure out what to do with this large pile of stroller.  I finally figured out that a couple of screws had come undone and was able to fix it (I thought for good) and we made it home.

Our long day ended with an almost black eye (from Christopher attempting to crawl out of the tub and hitting a cabinet handle) and one more flip upside down in the stroller when Conan took him out in it later that night (guess I hadn't fixed it). I wonder when that Mother of the Year award will be coming my way? Soon I'm sure : ).

Christopher and me (post-dinner, pre- crashing out of tub)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Week with my Mom

The day after Mariko left, my mom got into town. Christopher was so excited to see her and started searching for her jewelry to pull on as soon as she held him. The weather was much nicer than the last time she was here, so we got to do a lot more things around the city. Christopher put up with us dragging him around the city much better this time also : ). 

We took him to our diner and he actually got to eat there for the first time. It was a little messy, but we all survived. We also went to the green market at Union Square and got plants and tulips (which Christopher was a big fan of). Over the weekend we all went to the Guggenheim. I think the actual building is the best part of the museum. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is a big spiral you walk through to see the art. There were some neat exhibits, and some pretty crazy ones. There was one with so many flashing lights and strange sounds I couldn't even take Christopher in it (Conan happily stayed outside with him for that one).

My mom, Christopher, and I went to Midtown to see Conan during the week. While we were there we saw the Top of the Rock- best view of the city ever. There's big glass panes to look out of instead of bars and there's lots of room, so everyone can see the view (unlike the Empire State building). Christopher liked it because the elevator has lots of lights on the way up. We stopped at St. Patrick's Cathedral on the way home. I couldn't go in that church enough. It's so gorgeous and peaceful. It's crazy that it's right in the middle of the Midtown madness. 

We had such a good time with my mom in town. We can't wait for her to come back and see us again soon.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Christopher is such a wiggle worm when I try to change him now. Tonight I was trying to get his pajamas on and he rolled over and started crawling. He's so fast it's hard for me to catch up... especially when he has a bat in one hand and I can't stop laughing at him. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fun with Mariko & Chloe

I haven't updated in a while, so I have lots of pictures to share. Mariko was in town a few weeks ago and we had a great time with her and her best friend, Chloe. I think Christopher remembered Mariko from her last trip here and Christopher bonded with Chloe after she taught him to dance. He had so much fun playing with them. Conan's mom says that Christopher's pictures look just like Mariko when she was a baby.  I definitely see the resemblance in these pictures. 

We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art while they were in town. Christopher did great there. He slept through most of it, but got to see a few Mummies and pyramids which I think he was a fan of. Luckily we didn't have a sleepless night like when my mom and I took him to the Museum of Modern Art. Mariko and Chloe even watched Christopher for a while one night so Conan and I got to eat out... by ourselves. It was a nice treat, but we missed our little guy. It was wonderful to have Mariko and Chloe in town. I'll post more pics of the past few weeks soon.