Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Conan and Chris started soccer this fall. He has loved it so far.

Hey Chris, what can't you use in soccer?
No hands! (He likes to say no armpits also.)
Nice matching outfits, right?

He's gotten very good at making goals (with a little encouragement from Dad).


Conan took me and Chris to his favorite fishing spot a few weeks ago. It was beautiful and we had so much fun.

The LG's favorite thing to do was pick up rocks and throw them in the water.

He also found some big sticks.

He had fun wading in the water like Dad.

Close up.
Running with Dad.

We had a picnic in front of the waterfall. Perfect day!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Circus

I think the circus may be our favorite annual summertime activity. We had an even better time this year now that Chris is older. When he went through his favorite things after the show he named the horses, elephants, cats and Gymbo (he calls all clowns Gymbo from his Gymboree class).

Here we are about to go in.
Conan with a snow cone in a horse cup.
The circus toy he picked out.

The LG and Dad with the Gymbo picture.

Here's Chris in front of Nathan's hot dogs. He's doing his cute face.
Corn dog!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sopapilla the Turtle

Chris still loves turtles. When we saw an ad for a carousel that had a turtle we knew Chris needed to check it out. He was so excited to get to ride on a turtle. Somehow he came up with the name Sopapilla. He asks to go see her all of the time now.

Meeting our neighbor's sweet baby

I think I've mentioned before how much we love our neighbors down the hall. When their little girl was born Jill let Chris hold the new baby. He was so excited. I love this picture!
Here's Chris hanging with the big girls. They insisted on all squeezing in on the same chair.

Imagination Playground

If you're ever in NYC and have kids, check out the Imagination playground (and you should come say hi to us too). Having a two year old and no backyard, I feel like I've become quite the expert on public playgrounds. This is by far the best we've seen. They have just about everything you can think of there.

A wall you can write on with chalk!
Sharing (kind of).

A huge sandbox with dump trucks and lots of tools.
The water section was amazing. I think Chris could have stayed there all day.

They also had huge foam blocks to stack...
And climb on.
We had such a fun day and can't wait to go back!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

4th of July

I'm going to pretend like the 4th of July wasn't 3 months ago and post these pictures. Aunt Buggy sent the LG adorable swim trunks. He had a great time showing them off at the sprinklers. That night Chris ate a jumbo hot dog with Dad and then we had red, white, and blue cupcakes. Super fun day had by all!