Sunday, December 2, 2012


Big news today! Our baby potty came in the mail yesterday, and Bryce was very excited about it. Today Conan took Bryce to sit on it and he went! I really wouldn't have wanted to start potty training so early, but you can tell Bryce was feeling really left out of the potty experience. We didn't even need to give him a treat today, you could tell he was so excited that we were happy. Chris gave him lots of big hugs and encouragement too. Good job Bryce!

As long as we're talking milestones, I should mention that Bryce finally grew new teeth. He had 6 teeth and hadn't gotten a new one for a good 6 months. Finally, last week he got his third bottom tooth, and yesterday we noticed his fourth bottom tooth poking through. Maybe he'll stop biting all of us now!

He also tells us "I want ". Usually the things he wants are Daddy, Mommy, Wa Wa, Ba Ba, Dog, Eeee (his word for cat), Catch (ball), or Umm (food). It's pretty adorable. His pediatrician said he he was advanced at his last visit, I just think he may be a little needy (kidding of course, Bryce). We love you!

Merry NYC Christmas!

Happy December! We picked out a tree today! I just assumed everyone here delivered trees, but after the boys worked so hard to pick it out, and they wrapped it up, they told us no delivery. So, Conan carried our tree home on his back. Thanks, Dad! We decorated it when we got home, and finished up with some Indian take out. Letters to Santa, and Christmas books, and now the boys are snoozing. Love the holidays!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bryce is 18 Months!

Bryce is a year and a half! We just love, love this kid! He is so much fun. I had to "apply" for his two's program for next year and they asked for a description of him. I ended up writing a little bland paragraph, but here's what I wanted to write...

Bryce is the loviest baby ever. He gives big hugs, sloppy kisses, and can lay on your shoulder and snuggle all day long. He loooves bellies and giving you raspberries until he can't help it anymore and has to bite. He talks all day, but in general it has the same theme, dogs (do, do, do, do  over and over until the dog comes close and he freaks out), catching balls, pointing to random objects and saying "see", calling animals that don't look anything like dogs, dogs, and calling cats, "aaaaaat" in the loudest squeal you can imagine, randomly yelling out for Daddy over and over when he feels like it's been too long since he's seen him last. He loves to play tag at the playground. It's absolutely adorable until the game is over and then it looks like he's just randomly hitting kids (we'll work on that). When he wakes up he's super snuggly. He'll lay on my chest and look at me and say, "Mommy, mommy, mooooooommmmmmy". It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. He's working on 2 word phrases. So far we have, "Daddy, catch", "Daddy, see", and "Mommy, go". He likes to yell "Go, go, go" at the tv when the yankees are on. Ball is still his absolute favorite, and he can manage to find a ball almost anywhere we're at. I kid you not, it's amazing. He throws like a grown man, and he can catch, and even drop kick now. He's definitely got Dad's coordination and not mine. Bryce is a super easy going little guy (until he's not : ). He rarely cries unless he's exhausted. When he gets hungry he starts Umming. We can gauge the level of hunger on the Umm. When he's really starving it's literally an Umm roar. Bryce is starting to jump. He doesn't get much air, but he is incredibly proud of himself for it. We're still at 6 teeth, but I can see the outline of a couple of more. I'm hoping that helps with his eating. He would live off of only dairy if possible. We're working on new foods, I am not very empathetic of picky eaters, so I hope he outgrows that one soon! He's starting to like to sit and let us read to him. His favorite right now are alphabet books, so he can point to all of the things he recognizes, balloooooon, cat, dog, hat, etc. He likes words that sound the same. Hi, Ice, and Eye all sound just the same in Bryce. He knows lots of body parts and loves "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes".

So there's all things Bryce for you. I'm loving all of the time I get to spend with him during the day now. He's so sweet, and just loves his big brother, Chris more than anything. Love you, Bookie!

First day of School

I can't believe Chris has already been in Pre-K a month! Here are our pictures from the first day. They started school very gradually. First just 5 kids for a couple of hours, then all of the kids for half a day, and then finally all of the kids, all day. School is long, 6 hours, but Chris is handling it like a champ. So far he really likes it. It takes some nudging to get info out of him, but I know he has morning meeting, center time, play yard time, lunch, "nap" time (he can tell me what everyone does during that time, so I don't think there's a lot of sleeping going on by the little guy, a little play, and then pick up. There are 26 kids in his class, and two of the nicest teachers on the planet. They are super organized. Chris has had a new job each week. So far, calendar, 2nd in line, and chair inspector (someone has to make sure all of the chairs of pushed in : ). He's learning to write a new letter and number each week. His writing has improved leaps and bounds! We are so proud of Chris for adjusting so well to the new school year!

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day of School Outtakes

We'll be back tomorrow with the real pictures!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Bank Account

You know those days when you think, you can't even make this stuff up? This was one of those days. Chris' piggy bank is very full. He somehow manages to stuff a penny here and there in it, but that poor piggy is popping at the seams. I got wrappers to count all of it up and take it the bank. That was at least 6 months ago, and let's be honest, that's just not going to happen.

A bank has been being built close to us that has a change counter, so I've been telling Chris we'll take his money there. Saturday was the opening day, and boy was he excited. I decided just to open up an account for him, considering we have a lot of years of loose change to count. I didn't realize how big their grand opening celebration would be. There were people lined up a whole block before the bank to greet us and give little kids tons of loot. Chris walked away with a yo yo, an eraser, 2 frisbees, a coloring book and crayons. When we went in the bank everyone there stood and applauded. I kid you not. There were at least 25 people there to give Chris a standing ovation. So here he is, thinking every time you open up a bank account people give you free junk and clap for you. We walk to the back and I go to get out my folder of important papers. I look all throughout my bag. Can't find them anywhere. Yes, I left them on the table at home. I take a deep breath and tell Chris we're going to have to come back. He obviously has no clue what a social security card is for, and tells me we can open it anyway. The banker and I try to break it to him gently that it's just not going to happen. So what's a four year old going to do? Freak out? Yes, of course. So there I am, about 2 minutes later, pushing Bryce and dragging Chris through the same group of people who had just given us the ovation. Rejected.

Don't worry! We survived and Chris recovered quickly. We went home and waited for Conan to get home from the dentist. He got home and looked like he had just taken a shower. Outside. Bryce laughed hysterically at him when he came in dripping wet. We had an unexpected downpour, of course.

Once it stopped raining we tried again. This time we had Dad, and things went much more smoothly. The bank mascot greeted us. Bryce was a little terrified by this crazy guy.

Here's the random guy making balloon animals for all of the customers.
Chris was very excited to have a bank account of his own. Such a big kid!

I just don't want to have to be the one to tell him the vendor passing out free hot dogs and pretzels as we left won't be there next time we take his piggy bank in!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Last Day Before the First Day

Chris starts school on Monday. All day. I'm trying not to get too emotional over it, it's only Pre-K, but this really does seem like the beginning of real school. Forever. I think it will be good for everyone. Chris knows almost everyone in his class, and I think he'll learn lots. Bryce spent a lot of his first year in the stroller being hauled back and forth. I'm excited to have some one on one time with Bryce that lasts longer than a few minutes before we have to go back to pick Chris up. It's still hard to think that my little guy is going to be in school full time from now on until he leaves for college. Okay, I promise, that's the last of my drama! Kindergarten will be a breeze for us next year : ).

We had a fun day to celebrate our last weekday of summer! We took the East River ferry to the Brooklyn Bridge park this morning. Here's a good ferry shot. Are my boys actually getting easier to take pictures of? I think they might be. It wasn't completely impossible to get the two of them smiling here. Crossing my fingers for an easier Christmas card pic this year!


Maybe not, I forgot how not easy this picture was.  It was such a perfect backdrop, and the boys would not even look at the camera in unison. That is until they discovered how fun it was to throw gravel at Mom. I clicked this right as I was about to run away.

The best part of the park? The new carousel! Everyone was very excited. We rode it twice, but I think Chris could have ridden it all day. Before they let us on we had to wait for what looked like a marching band to finish practice playing while riding. Seriously. I think they were either practicing for a concert or a music video? No idea, but it was very entertaining to watch them play their instrument and ride around on the carousel. The boys were not amused. They were itching for some horse time.

Here's Bryce!
I rode on it too once it started. Couldn't let the boys have all the fun!

Bryce fell asleep as soon as the ride was over, so we got some good Mom and Chris time in. 

PB & J for lunch (that would actually be sunflower seed butter, we're practicing for our nut free school next year).

Ice cream at the Brooklyn Ice Cream. I'm usually not an ice cream connoisseur, but man was that good.
Turtle at the playground!

Happy last day of summer, little guy! You are going to be an amazing Pre-Kindergartener! We love you!

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31st

Thanks so much, friends and family, for joining us for the month of August. It's been fun sharing our adventures every day. I know I'll be happy to look back at this later to help remember what life was like with our 4 year old and 1 year old. Here's a couple of pictures that sum it up pretty well : ). See you in September (just not every day!).

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Flu Shots

We had a productive day today. We got pictures hung, flu shots for everyone (minus Conan, but I assume we're the ones that are going to be in contact with the most germy kids this winter), and finished the night with Chris making our dinner into a restaurant meal.

The boys drawing on our new chalkboard (and the ground, wall beside it, themselves). I promptly hung it in a very high spot, sorry boys. 
Chris with his letter blocks. These may be his longest lasting toy. He's been loving them since he was 18 months. 
This was Bryce yesterday. I've seen lots of pictures of babies falling asleep in their high chair, and I've never understood how that could happen. In the 4 years of being a mom, my kids have never been calm enough to do this. I had to laugh when I walked out of the kitchen and saw this. My favorite was that Chris told me he was going to wake Bryce up because he "still had food left on his high chair that he needed to eat".
 Chris put this blanket on and said he was coming back from the pool. As soon as Bryce saw Chris he needed to do the same thing. 
 Sweet boys.
 I was measuring this morning, and as soon as I was done the boys took over. 
We had to wait in the doctor's office for half an hour after shots because of Bryce's egg allergy. Lollipops and Sesame Street made it all better. 

 Chris had been playing restaurant during the day and I told him we could play for dinner tonight. He was really excited about it and planned our whole menu: bread and butter, salmon, broccoli, and mud pie. My favorite was when Chris asked me what my drink order was. I told him water, and he 'made" it for me by melting ice. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


These pictures are from a few months ago, but they are some of my favorites. We were going through our hall closet and found Chris' Elmo costume from Halloween 2 years ago. He wanted to put it on, and amazingly enough, it still fit. Bryce could barely stand it, he was so excited. I don't think Bryce even knew who Elmo was at the time, but man did he like that costume. He just kept running up to Chris and giving him hugs. It was really sweet. Mom even had to get the Abby wings out and play along. (Excuse the state of our apartment in these pictures, like I said, we had some serious closet purging going on!). Enjoy the pics of these two little cuties!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy birthday Grandma Kimmy!

At 7 this morning Chris wanted to call Grandma Kimmy and sing her happy birthday. I almost let him until I did the math and realized that would be 4 am her time. Not the best birthday present, right? When I finally let him, he belted it out. Bryce even got some "Happy, happy" in.

It was gorgeous outside today, so we got some playground time, and then ate outside at our favorite sushi restaurant. Have I mentioned how much the boys love sushi? They were both super hungry, but man were they happy to be there. Poor Bryce was almost too excited to eat. I had to feed him a few bites before he could get it together enough to feed himself.

Here they are in the playground bubble.
Bryce can climb up the slide all by himself now. That was definitely new to me, but he acted like it was no big deal. 

Friends playing under the equipment. They were making a dragon hut. 
Devouring their food.
Dad and Chris. They couldn't wait for me to get the camera out!
Bryce at the end of our meal. It's hard to tell, but he made me give him the spoon. Even his eyelashes had soup on them. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, Monday

I woke and saw everyone's going back to school pictures on Facebook. I thought, I am so lucky I have another 2 weeks before Chris starts, I am really going to enjoy these next couple weeks as much as I can. Ha! Today was not the day. 

The boys had a bit of a rough start today. Bryce didn't sleep well, which meant poor Chris didn't sleep well either. If Little Guy doesn't get his 12-13 hours of beauty rest he is a tough cookie to deal with. I put both boys down for naps at 10 am. It was totally necessary. They both woke up feeling a little better, but we still had a rough go of it for the rest of the day. It started pouring down rain as they woke up, so we were stuck inside the majority of the day. Let's just say the Crum boys needed some fresh air. We were lucky that it got sunny by 4, and we booked it outside. Everything is always better outside! Here are some pics of them playing with their friends. Love these little guys! (Also love that they were fast asleep by 7 tonight!) Ready for a fresh start in the morning!