Sunday, April 29, 2012


We went to a fun birthday party at the playground today. It was beautiful weather and the boys had a great time. Here are a couple pictures of the cuties.

Art show

One thing I really like about Chris' preschool is that extends to 8th grade. The nursery class gets to participate in a lot of big kid activities for that reason. Chris had his art displayed at the schoolwide art show this weekend. The theme was under the sea. I was very impressed by all of the art there, especially the amazing fish that Chris was pointing to. His whole class worked on the Empire state building together.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Take your kid to work day

Yesterday we got to visit Conan at work. Chris was so excited. Visiting Dad at work is one of his favorite activities. He tells everyone how he trades bonds. If we're going to do something he's not very excited about he'll tell me he can't because he has to go to work.

Conan works at a business with an adjective and then a noun (probably shouldn't post the name here- I'd hate for someone google searching his company to get directed to this silly story). Chris has replaced the adjective with the word poop. So he tells us he has to go work at the "poop ----" all of the time. Hard not to laugh at that potty talk.

At any rate, Chris had a great time and got Johnny Rockets for lunch. Fun day!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chris just told me...

"I'm going to put you in you're the best in the whole wide world jail"

I'm going take that as a compliment. I think.


Since Bryce turned 1, he's hit lots of milestones. Last Monday, 9/15 he slept through the night! About 2 weeks before we cut him off from eating in the middle of the night, and would just rub his back instead of picking him up if he woke up. We didn't want to sleep train him, and this seems to be working well. We occasionally get a 4 am wake up, but after a few minutes he goes back to sleep. For the past couple of weeks I've also been weaning him. Poor kid had no idea this was coming, but he's been a trooper. The next day, Tuesday 9/16, he took his first long stretch of steps. We were at the playground and he took about 6. So exciting! So far that's the longest he's gone. Like I said earlier though, he's an expert crawler, so I'm not sure I'd want to try anything new if I were him either. He's also got a huge top tooth growing in. His little bottom 2 teeth have been all alone so long, it's funny to see new little tooth friends in there. I know it's not a pleasant experience for him, but boy is his little grin cute. Bryce has had a busy 2 weeks of being 1!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Bryce!

Dear Bryce,
  Wow! A year ago at this time we were staring at those big blue eyes for the first time. How has it gone by this fast? I can't even count all of the ways you have changed our life. Every one of them has made us a happier and more complete family, and we are so blessed to have you (okay, except for the sleep, could you work on that one? Thanks).
   To start off, boy are you handsome. You charm everyone. Now that you can wave, it's almost out of control. You spot someone that hasn't noticed you and wave until they wave back, normally accompanied by a trip over to see you and talk about how cute you are. Your smile is contagious, those two bottom teeth peeking out are precious.
   We can already tell you're a smarty. You point at everything and tell us all about it. Your favorite things to say are Dada, Gaga, baa (for ball and bat), and the occasional Mama when it's the middle of the night and you want to be held. We also get lots of no, no, no with a squished Bryce face. Adorable now. Trouble later I'm sure.
  Your ball throwing and catching is quite impressive. I think you could do it all day long. You could win awards for world's fastest crawler. So far we've seen one step, but I think you'll be walking in no time. You love to dance. Every time I take you to music class you sit on your knees and bounce to the beat.
   You really love your brother, and Chris really loves you. As soon as you see him your face lights up. I know you guys are going to be best friends.
   You're an interesting eater. Right now I think you could live off of green peas if I'd let you. You weren't a fan of baby food too long, you insist I give you whatever is on Chris' plate. Some of your favorites at the moment? Watermelon, Kix cereal, rice, Pad Thai, Puffs, and steamed veggies .
   Bryce, we just love you to pieces. I hope you enjoy being in this crazy family. You make each of us so happy every day.
All our love,
Mom and Dad

Sunday, April 8, 2012

United Nations

We took a tour of the UN a couple weeks ago. It was amazing to get to see where the General Assembly and the Security Council  meet. We learned lots of really interesting information too. I'd highly recommend a tour if you're in town (just don't bring kids under 5, we barely squeeked in with our little rugrats : ).


Last weekend Chris had a two super fun birthday parties (one with a bounce house, one with a band, not sure I can top that come June!) We met up with Conan after one and rode the carousel at Bryant park. Here are the pics...