Thursday, April 26, 2012


Since Bryce turned 1, he's hit lots of milestones. Last Monday, 9/15 he slept through the night! About 2 weeks before we cut him off from eating in the middle of the night, and would just rub his back instead of picking him up if he woke up. We didn't want to sleep train him, and this seems to be working well. We occasionally get a 4 am wake up, but after a few minutes he goes back to sleep. For the past couple of weeks I've also been weaning him. Poor kid had no idea this was coming, but he's been a trooper. The next day, Tuesday 9/16, he took his first long stretch of steps. We were at the playground and he took about 6. So exciting! So far that's the longest he's gone. Like I said earlier though, he's an expert crawler, so I'm not sure I'd want to try anything new if I were him either. He's also got a huge top tooth growing in. His little bottom 2 teeth have been all alone so long, it's funny to see new little tooth friends in there. I know it's not a pleasant experience for him, but boy is his little grin cute. Bryce has had a busy 2 weeks of being 1!

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