Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 35, 36 & 37

35 weeks
36 weeks
37 weeks

Friday, February 13, 2015

This week

Thought I'd post a few shots from the past week...
Here's Bryce snuggling Dad. Bryce has always been such a cuddle bug!
Bryce's friend Edison had a baby sister about 4 months ago. They came over for a play date, and we decided to try out our new baby gym. Bryce was so excited for the baby, and very gentle! I can't wait to see what he's like with his own sister!
This is the score from an epic battle if musical chairs. You've never kept score when playing musical chairs!? We've got a little competitiveness over at the Crum house, I'm afraid.
Last Thursday was an early dismissal, so when I picked Chris up from school I surprised him with a trip to Starbucks for hot chocolate. Bryce is totally cheating at Uno, now that I look at this picture. 
They also had Friday off, and it was (surprise!) really cold out, so we decided to go to the Mall of America. This picture was in my phone so I didn't forget where I parked. But, I thought I'd share it because I will only park in the Texas spots when we go to MOA. Shoutout to my TX peeps out there : )!
I post so many pics of these guys on the same rides, but man do they love this place. 
Except for the balloon ride. They were stonr faced the whole time on this one. Not sure why...
Swiper's sweeper. So happy I don't have to squeeze myself on this anymore, yay for Chris "chaperoning". 
Little Lego action at the end.
Over the weekend Conan took us to the IMAX at the zoo. We saw a documentary about the Gallapagos islands. I think it was the boys first IMAX and first 3D movie. It was so fun to watch them reach out and try to touch the animals the whole time. 
On Wednesday, Chris' class sang at chapel. Stand strong!
Yesterday I was working on an art project with some of the older kids in the school upstairs. When I walked out of the room there was a window to the gym, and all I saw was Chris. It was a fun surprise!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

33 and 34 weeks

33 weeks 

34 weeks
Time is flying by! We can't believe we get to meet our little girl in a few weeks. This week was filled with washing lots of pink clothes and hanging gold dots for her nursery. I'm hoping she'll make it until pretty close to her due date, but if she's anything like her brother I should probably go put another load of baby clothes into the wash!