Saturday, January 26, 2013


Have I mentioned what a terrible eater Bryce is? He is. He likes carbohydrates, and then he usually picks one fruit and a couple of vegetables at a time, and then refuses all others. Last week he gave broccoli a try. He liked it, and we were beyond excited!

Our week

We've had a busy week. Best week ever if you ask Chris. I think he's eaten cupcakes on 6 separate occasions over the past 7 days. Somehow 5 kids in his class had a birthday this week. We've  been partying, playdating and ice skating it up.

Music class

Bryce had his last day of music class last week. His amazing teacher is leaving because he just wrote the lyrics for a Broadway musical. I always felt like he was a little too talented for 2 year olds, but I didn't realize he was Broadway talented. Only in NYC, right?

Super Teddy Roosevelt

Chris' class has a teddy bear that visits each child's house for a night. Last week Teddy Roosevelt came to our place. Chris had lots of fun showing teddy around and even dressed him up in a pro wrestler costume (the only outfit we have for a stuffed animal in our very boy home : ). Here's his journal article from the big day...


We have had some cold days here this week. No snow until last night though. The boys were so excited to go out and play in it this morning. It was probably less than an inch of it by the time we got outside, but we had some fun making snowballs, snow angels, and tubing in it!