Sunday, November 30, 2008

November Recap

What a crazy month! We had lots of visitors during November and so much fun. My mom came at the beginning of the month. The weather was really nice, so we got to do lots around the city. The little guy is in the carrier in lots of the pictures because it's so easy to go on the subway with it instead of the stroller. He doesn't seem to mind too much, he just normally gets pretty sleepy with all of the walking. My mom and I went to the Museum of Modern Art after she got here. They have the most amazing art there- Van Gogh, Monet, Andy Warhol all over. Apparently we overstimulated Christopher, because he was up all night afterwards. It was one of the roughest nights since he was born. I know what we will not be doing again for a very long time. We also went to Crumb's Bakery and got cupcakes. I thought it was so neat to have a bakery with our name, but Conan wasn't too impressed since it had a "b" in it. Over the weekend we rented a car and Conan drove all of us out to Terry Town to see the fall leaves. I realized I had never seen a real fall before. It was gorgeous. It was raining pretty hard but we got out and ate at a fun little local restaurant and saw the Rockefeller estate from afar. My mom and I also did lots of shopping that week, went to Central Park, ate chocolate pizza at the Bald Man's chocolate, and walked all over. We had a great week. 

The next weekend Lauren came into town. She's done all of the touristy things here already, so we mainly focused on shopping. Conan stayed with Christopher on Saturday and Lauren and I went to the original Macy's. Who knew you could spend all day in one store? We ate lunch there and did lots of shopping. It was great to spend time with her.

We stayed here for Thanksgiving and my Uncle Steve, Aunt Karen and cousins Matt and Michelle came to town. Michelle was cheering in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. We watched her dance on TV (so neat!) and then we went to the parade for a little while with Christopher. It was great to see all of the floats in person. Christopher slept through the whole thing, which was probably for the best. I can't imagine how much that would freak a baby out. There were so many people there. After the parade the fam came over to our place for dinner. It was great to have a bunch of family here for the holidays. Christopher is definitely wanting to eat now. He was sitting in my lap during the meal and tried to grab everything on my plate. We may have to start feeding him a little sooner than 6 months (sorry Dr. Julie!). Over the weekend we did lots sightseeing. The girls and I went shopping and Conan took the boys to Wall Street and down town. Christopher got stuck eating and getting changed in dressing rooms all over the city.

Christopher is such a big kid now. When he does tummy time he gets all of the way up on his hands. He's started moving his legs a little too- just not going anywhere yet. I have to watch him very closely now. I had him in his gym the other day and when I turned around he had somehow gotten himself off of it and into the middle of the doorway (on the very hard, wood floors). The other day he was supposed to be taking a nap and I went to check on him. I couldn't open the door. After I squeezed my way in I realized he had been kicking so hard his crib was pushed in front of the door. When I walked in he looked at me and started laughing! He's hilarious. He likes to chew on everything. I could never figure out why he couldn't sit straight in his Bumbo seat. Conan was watching him in it last week and realized that he leans all of the way over so he can gnaw on the side of the chair. When he called him out on it, little guy just looked up and smiled. Christopher also likes to get really close to your face and look at you. The funniest is when he gets super close and then opens up his mouth really big... and tries to put your whole nose in it.