Thursday, April 29, 2010

Alphabet train

For Christmas I ordered Christopher a train with letter blocks. It tells you the letter on the block when you put it on the train. I thought it was going to be a small train he could push around. When I got it in the mail I realized it was huge and meant to be ridden on. We decided to send it back and I put it in our closet until I got a chance to go to the post office.

We had a blizzard that left us stuck in the apartment for an entire week before I could send it, and after a few stir crazy days I decided to get it out. It has been the best toy I've ever bought. Christopher has become crazy about letters. The actual blocks are his favorite. He walks around with as many as he can fit in his hands. They have been great for learning because they have pictures on the back of an object that starts with the letter on the front. He started out thinking every letter was an L, but he's gradually learned them all. Some letters he can say the actual letter when he sees it- like F, I, L. A lot of the letters he says the word associated with it, like apple, ball, and he can't do C's yet, so he meows when he sees a C.

He's become a little obsessed with letters. It's given us fun games when we go out. He points out letters on our whole walk. People who are around him a lot know his little language. He'll "read" letters with a whole string of words. You'll see him looking at a book and saying Meow, Apple, Turtle for the word cat. I hope we haven't completely screwed him up for when he is actually reading! I'm sure his kindergarten teacher is going to have some words for us!

Chris has started saying lots of two syllable words now. Alligator (I say two syllables, because he only pronounces two in there all-ga : ) is one of his favorites. He repeats lots of the words we say. He's also been putting words together for the past couple of weeks. I can't believe what a change that has made. I can understand so much more. We were at the pool and the water was cold, so he told me wawa - brr over and over.

I was doing laundry yesterday and hit my head on the door. Later he was really upset and saying Mama door. I realized he was sad I hit my head and telling me. Now that he's talking, I'm constantly surprised by his memory. He remembers the numbers of the buildings that our friends live in, that we need to water our "lilly" (bean plant) every morning, and that we rode the L train to get to Max's apartment.

He started saying I love Dada and I love Mama also. That was the best thing yet until he started "loving" everything. We get lots of "I love turtle" and even some "I love poop". He's such a boy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Swim class

Conan and Chris just finished up their first session of swim class. Christopher loved it, and Conan was great with him in the pool.

Here's the LG about to get in.

Conan started dunking him from the very beginning. Now Chris is a big fan of it.

Kicking! The LG kicks and does "big arms" in the tub now.

Jumping in!
The whole crew.

All done! In our bear towel. Grrr.
We're looking forward to summer with our little fish!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The dentist

Last week I took the LG to the dentist. As you can probably understand, I don't have any pictures of the actual event. This is the after effect though. I had scheduled an appointment for him about a year ago, right after he started getting teeth. The nice pediatric dentist called me herself to see if he really needed to come in.

The conversation went something like this:
"So, how many teeth does he have?"
"Oh, four."
"Yeah, he probably doesn't need to see my just yet".

But, they called last week and said 18 months + was a good time for kids to come in. So, we went on our adventure. I tried to make it really fun. We got breakfast at a diner close by and talked the whole time about how neat it is to see the dentist, and how we open our mouth really wide when we see her.

The dentist couldn't have been nicer. The whole office had toys and looked like lots of fun, until she tried to look in his mouth. I've stuck my hand in there a couple of times to feel for molars and I've almost lost a finger. That kiddo has quite the bite. Lucky for our sweet dentist though, he screamed so loud during the whole thing that his mouth was wide open for her. She didn't even try to clean them, just made sure they were all in the right spots and no cavities.

Luckily, the LG recovered pretty quickly. She gave him a handful of new toothbrushes and fun toys to take home and he was happy. She gave him a clean bill of health and said that his bite looks good, even with his bottle habit. (I know, I know, they're out of here when he turns two). He passed out as soon as I put him in the stroller for our walk home. So glad we don't have to do that again for a while!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Am I posting these pictures the same month of the actual holiday? That hasn't happened in a while : ). We had a great Easter. We got to spend it with Chevy, Tom, Lauren, Ty, and Sarah! Sarah was on her break from Flying Kites in Kenya and we were so happy to see her. (I completely forgot to get pictures with her and Chris- tears!)

The day before I put Christopher to work decorating Easter cookies. His cookies were great because you couldn't even see the icing they had so many sprinkles on them.
Easter morning Chris opened up his Easter basket. Such a fun surprise... goldfish and Elmo crackers in the eggs!

Mmm... delicious!

Grandma and Grandpa Crum got Chris new boots and all sorts of fun goodies!! I can't believe he's already grown out of his last pair of boots!
Grammy and Grandpa got Chris a bowling set! So much fun!!

Then we went to church. Before the service they had a breakfast and an Easter egg hunt for the little ones.

This kiddo was definitely trying to steal the LG's eggs. Chris stood his ground though.
And was so happy he did. Mom, why didn't you put chocolate in my eggs at home??
Christopher and Dad before church. Could they be any cuter?
Family shot after lunch.
Chris and Aunt Chevy. This was about 5 minutes before nap time. He looks like he's about to pass out. Such a fun day! Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What we've been doing...

Making Elmo drums.
Growing dried beans into plants (again, thanks for the idea, Elmo).
Bubbles in the tub. Every. Night.
Playing with/eating play dough.
Celebrating 4 years (with the LG, of course)!
Finding every indoor play area in NYC with Max and Michelle.
Playing ball. Chris can catch now!!
Squatting when I bend down to take a picture.
Hanging with Chevy and Tom lots. We can't get enough Aunt Chevy time!
Wearing paper bags on our head.
This was all the LG's idea. Christopher is getting funnier by the minute!
More updates coming soon!