Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bryce is 18 Months!

Bryce is a year and a half! We just love, love this kid! He is so much fun. I had to "apply" for his two's program for next year and they asked for a description of him. I ended up writing a little bland paragraph, but here's what I wanted to write...

Bryce is the loviest baby ever. He gives big hugs, sloppy kisses, and can lay on your shoulder and snuggle all day long. He loooves bellies and giving you raspberries until he can't help it anymore and has to bite. He talks all day, but in general it has the same theme, dogs (do, do, do, do  over and over until the dog comes close and he freaks out), catching balls, pointing to random objects and saying "see", calling animals that don't look anything like dogs, dogs, and calling cats, "aaaaaat" in the loudest squeal you can imagine, randomly yelling out for Daddy over and over when he feels like it's been too long since he's seen him last. He loves to play tag at the playground. It's absolutely adorable until the game is over and then it looks like he's just randomly hitting kids (we'll work on that). When he wakes up he's super snuggly. He'll lay on my chest and look at me and say, "Mommy, mommy, mooooooommmmmmy". It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. He's working on 2 word phrases. So far we have, "Daddy, catch", "Daddy, see", and "Mommy, go". He likes to yell "Go, go, go" at the tv when the yankees are on. Ball is still his absolute favorite, and he can manage to find a ball almost anywhere we're at. I kid you not, it's amazing. He throws like a grown man, and he can catch, and even drop kick now. He's definitely got Dad's coordination and not mine. Bryce is a super easy going little guy (until he's not : ). He rarely cries unless he's exhausted. When he gets hungry he starts Umming. We can gauge the level of hunger on the Umm. When he's really starving it's literally an Umm roar. Bryce is starting to jump. He doesn't get much air, but he is incredibly proud of himself for it. We're still at 6 teeth, but I can see the outline of a couple of more. I'm hoping that helps with his eating. He would live off of only dairy if possible. We're working on new foods, I am not very empathetic of picky eaters, so I hope he outgrows that one soon! He's starting to like to sit and let us read to him. His favorite right now are alphabet books, so he can point to all of the things he recognizes, balloooooon, cat, dog, hat, etc. He likes words that sound the same. Hi, Ice, and Eye all sound just the same in Bryce. He knows lots of body parts and loves "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes".

So there's all things Bryce for you. I'm loving all of the time I get to spend with him during the day now. He's so sweet, and just loves his big brother, Chris more than anything. Love you, Bookie!

First day of School

I can't believe Chris has already been in Pre-K a month! Here are our pictures from the first day. They started school very gradually. First just 5 kids for a couple of hours, then all of the kids for half a day, and then finally all of the kids, all day. School is long, 6 hours, but Chris is handling it like a champ. So far he really likes it. It takes some nudging to get info out of him, but I know he has morning meeting, center time, play yard time, lunch, "nap" time (he can tell me what everyone does during that time, so I don't think there's a lot of sleeping going on by the little guy, a little play, and then pick up. There are 26 kids in his class, and two of the nicest teachers on the planet. They are super organized. Chris has had a new job each week. So far, calendar, 2nd in line, and chair inspector (someone has to make sure all of the chairs of pushed in : ). He's learning to write a new letter and number each week. His writing has improved leaps and bounds! We are so proud of Chris for adjusting so well to the new school year!