Friday, October 31, 2008


Christopher had a great first Halloween. We dressed him up like a fish and we went as fishermen. I dressed him up that morning to take pictures and our memory card ran out of space. We had to take a trip to the Circuit City in Union Square. The weather was gorgeous that day, so it was a nice outing. We went to the Farmer's Market while we were down there and saw lots pumpkins and Halloween costumes. There was a tie for my two favorite costumes. The Asian Colonel Sanders was good, but the drag Wonder Woman was awesome because he was walking around like it was a completely normal to be a burly man wearing yellow tights and a leotard. 

When Conan got off of work we went down to the fountain in our complex. We saw some people dressed up and got to show off our little fishie. We only got one set of trick-or-treaters, but it was a good set for out first NY Halloween. We gave them candy and then they had these little boxes and asked for money for UNICEF. Conan didn't hear the UNICEF part and thought they just wanted some cash along with their candy. Right when he was about to say no I told him to go get some change. He gave me this surprised look and went to get some.  He thought I was just going to give these crazy city kids our money. After they left we figured out the misunderstanding and had a good laugh. I posted pictures of our pumpkin cake because Christopher helped me decorate it. He wouldn't let me set him down, so I put him in the carrier and made him help ice it. That'll teach him : ). I hope little guy had a fun Halloween. We sure had a good time with him.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Weekend with Rachon

We had lots of visitors last weekend. Rachel and Jason came up from Georgia. This was their first time to meet Christopher and he loved hanging out with them. It was nice for him to get a little more redhead exposure : ).  
Tim was here for a business trip, so he and his brother and his brother's girlfriend came over for dinner on Thursday. Christopher slept through most of it, so it was nice for me to have a whole block of adult conversation at one time. We had a great evening. 

Saturday was pretty rainy and 
windy, so we didn't want to take the little guy outside. Rachel and Jason went and explored the city. Apparently they found a fishing store, which I have a feeling we will be checking out in the near future. That evening we got barbeque take-out. It was actually pretty tasty (although maybe I shouldn't be the judge, Rachel and I just got salads). On Sunday the boys went out fishing. Rachel and I walked over to the Magnolia bakery. Sarah joined us for the most delicious cupcakes. I'm sure if Christopher could talk he would be very upset that he had to be at the girl's day. He'll be out fishing with Dad soon enough, I'm glad he hung out with us. There was a Halloween festival going on, so we got to see lots of kids in really cute Halloween costumes. We went back to Sarah's apartment for a little while. Rachel saw a TV star in Sarah's complex (someone on 30 Rock- I can't remember who it it- sorry Rachel). Christopher got to play Rock Band. It was a fun visit. After that Rachel and I went to a little deli and got some delicious sandwiches before we took the subway over to Central Park. It was a gorgeous day out and everyone was a the park. We saw a strange Halloween themed skating party, a fancy band playing for peo
ple to dance to, wedding pictures being taken and gorgeous fall leaves. I can't get over how pretty fall is here! That evening Conan's Aunt Nancy, and cousin Charity came over. The were in town for a conference and wanted to see Christopher. He had just woken up and he was a bit of a pout-face, but I think they still enjoyed seeing him. It was nice to get to visit with family for a while. 

Christopher's newest thing is grabbing everything. His favorite is to grab your face when you are close to him. He really likes it when he can stick his hand in your mouth. When I was changing him in the park he reached over and grabbed a chunk of grass and dirt. I think I'm going to need to start child proofing soon! He can now stick his foot in his mouth. This one caught me off guard. He chews on his toes. At first I thought it was disgusting, but he's not walking so his feet aren't on the ground, so it's okay- right? Silly kid. He also gives hugs now. I know it's not a real hug, but when you hold him close he puts both of his arms around you really tight. It's great. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're Such Texans

We have no control of the heat in our apartment, the temperature of the whole building is controlled by management. It's getting quite chilly here in NY and still no heat. I went to Babies R Us yesterday and found Christopher the very warmest outfit they had. It's about three inches thick and covers up his hands and feet. We put it on him last night to sleep in.  I was complaining to another mom in stroller class this morning about how cold it is here and she said "Oh, you run your air conditioner at night too". I was shocked! It's 50 degrees out and these crazy New Yorkers have their air conditioners on. It's going to be a long winter.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy 4 Months, Christopher!

Thursday was Christopher's 4 month birthday. I think he must have known because he did all sorts of new things for us. He rolled over for the first time! It was the perfect Little Guy roll too. It took about 5 minutes start to finish and there was grunting, groaning and he was so mad by the time it was over. It made me laugh because in yoga on Tuesday one of the little girls rolled over for the first time and it was very graceful and cute. I was not surprised at all how different Christopher's was. He also found his feet. He likes to grab them now when I change him. We've also learned to squeal. Our house is suddenly a much louder place. On Friday when Conan got home he did his first roll from his back to his stomach. This one went much smoother, but I think he was upset that he ended up having to do tummy time. I don't know if we'll get another one of those any time soon. He's also really starting to notice food more. When we eat he hits his hands to his mouth. Sorry bud, you've still got 2 more months of just milk!

Little guy went to the pediatrician for his 4 month check up on Wednesday. Dr. Julie said he's doing great. He's now 26"- which puts him in the 90% for length. He's 15# and 7 oz, which is just under he 75% for weight. I can't believe he's almost doubled his birth weight! He was the maddest I've ever seen him after the shots this time. He threw such a fit he almost knocked them off of the table. He calmed down as soon as we left the office and slept the whole stroller ride home. I was anticipating a rough day, but he acted like nothing had happened. He even slept great that night. He's been having a few little GI issues lately. Dr. Julie thinks he may have a slight milk protein intolerance, which means Mom has to stop eating dairy. The milk is no problem, it's just the cheese, and no ice cream! The pizza has been the biggest issue for me... NY pizza is just so good. Tear. Oh well, it's only 8 more months. Are babies supposed to snore? He's napping on my lap right now and sounds like an old man. He's hilarious!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Columbus Day with the Doc

Anne came to see us from D.C. this weekend. It was so nice for Christopher to get to meet her. She's so great with babies from throwing them around in the hospital : ). We met up with Sarah on Sunday and got a great brunch.  Then we took the Subway up to Central Park. I had him in the carrier and it was so much easier than the stroller. I think we may start doing that more often. We decided we all had always wanted to take a carriage ride, so we took one around the park. Christopher had been sleeping all afternoon, but woke up just in time for the ride. This poor kid, every time he wakes up he's in a new crazy place. He looked a little confused when he realized he was being pulled by horses. It was fun to see so much of the park. We got to do some shopping for winter clothes while we were down there. We met up with Conan after he got off of work and got some pizza. Christopher had been so good all day, but I think he had a little too much stimulation. He threw a little fit on our way to the restaurant, so we took it to-go. The meal was so good. Anne and I went to the Farmer's Market at Union Square on Monday before she left and then ate Papaya Dogs. I've re-become a hot dog fan since moving here.

Christopher is learning all sorts of new tricks. He's learned how to imitate us. When we do a raspberry with our lips he'll do one back. He's also really close to rolling over. He can get all of the way on his stomach from his back, he just can't quite get the other arm out of the way. I can't wait to see what his next surprise for us will be.

Friday, October 3, 2008

You Can't Spoil a Baby

Ever since Christopher was born the nurses and pediatricians have told us that you can't spoil a baby who is younger than 6 months old. They say babies don't have the long term memory to know what happens from time to time, so you aren't "teaching them a lesson" when you make them soothe themselves.

While I'm not sure I buy that little guy doesn't have this memory, I love it! We can pick him up as soon as he does a little whimper, or hold him as much as we want. It's my favorite to let him nap on my lap when he doesn't want to sleep on his own, get him a toy every time we go to Baby's R Us, and celebrate each one month birthday. I know things will have to change a little in a few months, but we are loving every second of spoiling our baby while we can.