Friday, October 31, 2008


Christopher had a great first Halloween. We dressed him up like a fish and we went as fishermen. I dressed him up that morning to take pictures and our memory card ran out of space. We had to take a trip to the Circuit City in Union Square. The weather was gorgeous that day, so it was a nice outing. We went to the Farmer's Market while we were down there and saw lots pumpkins and Halloween costumes. There was a tie for my two favorite costumes. The Asian Colonel Sanders was good, but the drag Wonder Woman was awesome because he was walking around like it was a completely normal to be a burly man wearing yellow tights and a leotard. 

When Conan got off of work we went down to the fountain in our complex. We saw some people dressed up and got to show off our little fishie. We only got one set of trick-or-treaters, but it was a good set for out first NY Halloween. We gave them candy and then they had these little boxes and asked for money for UNICEF. Conan didn't hear the UNICEF part and thought they just wanted some cash along with their candy. Right when he was about to say no I told him to go get some change. He gave me this surprised look and went to get some.  He thought I was just going to give these crazy city kids our money. After they left we figured out the misunderstanding and had a good laugh. I posted pictures of our pumpkin cake because Christopher helped me decorate it. He wouldn't let me set him down, so I put him in the carrier and made him help ice it. That'll teach him : ). I hope little guy had a fun Halloween. We sure had a good time with him.


Bizibit said...

I love it!

Mary said...

What a cute costume theme idea! Amy, seriously, he is such a cute/handsome boy! take care, Mary. =)