Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy 4 Months, Christopher!

Thursday was Christopher's 4 month birthday. I think he must have known because he did all sorts of new things for us. He rolled over for the first time! It was the perfect Little Guy roll too. It took about 5 minutes start to finish and there was grunting, groaning and he was so mad by the time it was over. It made me laugh because in yoga on Tuesday one of the little girls rolled over for the first time and it was very graceful and cute. I was not surprised at all how different Christopher's was. He also found his feet. He likes to grab them now when I change him. We've also learned to squeal. Our house is suddenly a much louder place. On Friday when Conan got home he did his first roll from his back to his stomach. This one went much smoother, but I think he was upset that he ended up having to do tummy time. I don't know if we'll get another one of those any time soon. He's also really starting to notice food more. When we eat he hits his hands to his mouth. Sorry bud, you've still got 2 more months of just milk!

Little guy went to the pediatrician for his 4 month check up on Wednesday. Dr. Julie said he's doing great. He's now 26"- which puts him in the 90% for length. He's 15# and 7 oz, which is just under he 75% for weight. I can't believe he's almost doubled his birth weight! He was the maddest I've ever seen him after the shots this time. He threw such a fit he almost knocked them off of the table. He calmed down as soon as we left the office and slept the whole stroller ride home. I was anticipating a rough day, but he acted like nothing had happened. He even slept great that night. He's been having a few little GI issues lately. Dr. Julie thinks he may have a slight milk protein intolerance, which means Mom has to stop eating dairy. The milk is no problem, it's just the cheese, and no ice cream! The pizza has been the biggest issue for me... NY pizza is just so good. Tear. Oh well, it's only 8 more months. Are babies supposed to snore? He's napping on my lap right now and sounds like an old man. He's hilarious!


Rachel said...

ohmygosh- I can't wait to see what he's learned to do in a week's time. I am so excited to see you guys!

Mary said...

milk intolerance..oh no! I know what that's like. Only if I could bring you over some soy ice cream like you brought to me! He does look long in the pictures. He's going to be taller than Conan!