Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dear Chris,

I was not prepared to write this. You just turned two, where did our year go? In so many ways this year has gone by unbelievably fast, but I'm also completely amazed by how much you've changed. Of course you look so much older, but I can not believe what a different little person you are! When I think back to when you turned two you were barely putting words together. This year I think you can say absolutely anything you are thinking, and believe me, we hear we hear all about it! I think that's my favorite part of this year, knowing what's going on it that sweet head. Boy, you are hilarious too! We laugh all day long with you!

There are so many things that you are good at, and you like us to list them all of the time for you. I'll put a few here, so we can always remember.

You are so friendly! Anytime we're in the elevator, or in line at the grocery store, or pretty much any where you like to ask people "What's your name?", "What's your mom's name?", "What's your dad's name?" and so on. We have met some interesting people together. Needless to say, you know every single person in our apartment building : ).

You are amazingly smart. Your favorite thing is to name the presidents (1-44!). You love for us to quiz you on capitals, and you know quite a few countries too. You're even reading lots of books to us!

You are a great big brother. You love Bryce so much. You always want him included. You like to teach him to shoot hoops in your mini goal and always want him to read books with you before bed. My favorite is when you hold his hand and give him a (gentle!) hug.

You have become such a good eater! It wasn't long ago I was having to make you a separate meal every time you ate, now you eat everything I cook. It's so much fun to eat as a family now! You're a great sleeper, we go through bedtime routine and read 2 books with Dad, and you're out for the night. You still take long naps every afternoon (let's not give those up for a while, thanks!). You've also been potty trained for almost a full year!
You've also become quite the little athlete. I need to find toddler track for you. Boy, are you fast. I have definitely gotten some workouts chasing after you : ). You've become really good at catching and throwing, and even hitting a ball with a bat sometimes. You are our little super soccer star too. You now kick goal after goal.

We could not be prouder of you this year, Chris. It's been so fun to watch you grow up in so many ways. I think 3 is going to be our best year yet! Happy Birthday, LG!

We love you, love you!
Mom and Dad

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Chris has been all about telling jokes lately. His J's sound a bit like Y's, so we get lots of yokes around here.

I asked him what his favorite jokes are today at lunch. First he said, "throw up, pee, and poop". Seriously? I did not expect it to get so boy around here so soon! I told him mom doesn't want to hear any of those, so he told me some more.

"The dentist gave me a lollypop". (hysterical laughter)
"The dog says meow". (he's having trouble breathing he's laughing so hard at himself at this point)

Okay, I know I'm biased, but I think he's hilarious.