Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top 5 good things about being in the NICU

Last Wednesday I took Audrey in for her first pediatrician appointment. When they checked her heart it was extremely high. They sent us straight to the ER, where we were told we would need to stay the night at the hospital for monitoring. After one day it was apparent it would take a little longer to find the right medication to bring it down. It's been one week, and we are finally getting to go home tomorrow.

There are about a million really awful things about being here that are pretty obvious, but one evening while having a rough time I started thinking about the positive things about the NICU...

5. No laundry. This morning Audrey had a massive diaper blow out. I was able to change her and then throw her outfit and crib sheet in the hospital laundry, never to see it again. Wahoo!

4. Constant medical supervision. No need to call a pediatrician and make an appointment. Audrey had a goopy eye that I was chatting with the night nurse about. She said, oh hold on, went and got the nurse practioner, and they swabbed it and gave her drops right there, at 1 am.

3. Monitoring. Every time I bring a baby home from the hospital I always check on them all night to make sure they're breathing. No need here. There are people all over the place watching her heart rate and sats. We took her off her monitors to take a bath, and her cardiologist was here in about 3 minutes wondering what we were doing.

2. Weight checks. I'm always nervous nursing at first, because you have no idea how much they're actually getting. No need to worry here. They weigh her every night, along with every diaper she goes through. Which by the way, is going well. She's gained almost half a pound, and has really impressed the nurses with some of her diapers... "Over 100 

1. Serious bonding. Audrey is on monitors that keep us pretty tied to one spot. There's one chair we can reach, so we've spent a lot of time on it. There's somethimg to be said for not having dishes to  keep up with or meals to make. It's just her and me rocking. I hope that instead of all of the scariness that
is the NICU, my main memory is just sitting and staring at my sweet baby girl for hours on end. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Audrey's birth story

Baby Audrey has arrived! She was born at 6:49 am on March 15th. She weighed 8# 8 oz. and was 21 1/2" long.

Last Sunday night I woke up at 1:45 am to a pretty painful contraction. I waited a bit, and then started having another one, so I decided to put an app on my phone and start timing them. They were consistently about 7 or 8 minutes apart. My OB said to call when they were 5 minutes apart. I couldn't sleep through them, so I decided to go get in the comfy chair in the nursery. I really wanted to make it to a decent time of day before waking the boys up, and calling our friends to watch them. They stayed at that 7-8 minute range until 4:45 am. I decided I should start listening to my hypnotic birthing CD to prepare. I had it going for about 3 minutes when all of the sudden contractions got fast and furious- every minute or two.  I went and got Conan and called my OB- who said to come in. Here are my contractions, just so I can remember : ).

Conan got the boys up right at 5, and by the time he came in the room I couldn't even put my own socks on. We managed to make it out the door and into the car to deliver the boys to our good friends from church's house. It was about 20 minutes away. After listening to my contractions for a while, Bryce finally said, "Mom, I didn't think you were going to be like this." So funny! I tried to explain to them that I was in a lot of pain, but I was going to be fine. I'm not sure anyone in the car believed me.

We finally made it to drop off the kids, and I got to talk to my friend Keri for a quick second. Then Conan took me to the hospital. I had done the preadmission paperwork, but still had quite a bit to sign. The person registering me seemed completely unphased by the fact that I could barely stand up. Conan asked if he could sign for me, and she said "nope". So I continued on. Afterword they tried to get me to do all of the weight checks, urine checks etc. I don't think anyone there believed me that I really thought I was about to have that baby. I finally got in my gown and they checked to see how dilated I was... 10 cm! Now I had some people convinced. 

The nurse was very calm, and told me my doctor was on her way, but not to worry because there was another doctor there that could deliver me. They had me go to my room and asked if I still wanted a waterbirth. They said they would try to fill up the tub. By the time they got me situated I went to get on the bed and my water broke. Needless to say, I was a little too late for a waterbirth. She kept saying now if you need to push let us know, but your doctor will be here very soon. Finally the doctor came running in and said she had just come up the stairs because she didn't want to wait for the elevator. She let me start pushing, and about a dozen pushes later, Audrey Elizabeth arrived! Conan is always such a great, calm coach during deliveries. She laid on me for a while, and then started nursing like a champ. We called the boys right away and told them the exciting news. Chris proceeded to tell us about basketball brackets : ). The boys came to visit their little sister that evening, and had about a million kisses for her. 

She did great at the hospital, and Conan and Bryce picked me up the next day to take us home. 

Dad and Audrey time!
First Bath.
Sweet little girl.
Love from the brothers!
Look at her!
Her fingers and nails were so long! 
Going home outfit <3.
Close up.
It's amazing, when I was pregnant with her, I started to get worried about how I could love her as much as Chris and Bryce. I just kept reminding myself that I felt the same way when I was pregnant with Bryce, and how much do we just adore Bryce?! Well, turns out the same is true with Miss Audrey. Our hearts have opened even wider with love for our precious girl. Welcome to the family, Audrey Elizabeth!

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Last weekend was eventful at the Crum house. We had breakfast out and then took the boys sledding. Unfortunately at the end Chris got off path and hit a park bench. We rushed to urgent care and he got 6 stitches. He was such a trooper all week with them, and then did great getting them out yesterday. We're super proud of him!

Bryce time!

I know things will be lots different once baby is here, so I'm getting all of the one on time I can with Bryce. Here's a picture of us at our favorite bakery. Love this smile!

39 Weeks

39 weeks! Any day now?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 38

I think I'm calling Baby's room done. I'll post pics of the whole thing soon, but here's my 38 week picture taken in her mirror. Getting close!

Spelling Bee

On Wednesday Chris competed in the school's spelling bee. He studied really hard the week before...
And won first place among the first graders!
A group pic of everyone who competed...
We asked him what he wanted to do that night to celebrate. He picked Wheel of Fortune and ice cream. Done! 
He goes to the regional spelling bee in April... I'll keep everyone updated!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Valentine's Day

We had such a fun Valentine's Day! It started with a cookie delivery!
We went to breakfast at Good Day Cafe, Bad Day Bar. Lucky for us it was Good Day while we were there. So delicious!
Here are the Valentines the boys passed out to their friends.
That afternoon, I took the boys to a Goodnight Moon production. It was adorable, and they LOVED watching a little bunny do everything she could to not fall asleep for a full hour. Bryce wanted his picture taken with the mouse...
And Chris wanted his with Baby bunny...
That night we made heart shaped pizzas. Bryce was in charge of rolling out the dough.
Final product!
Our little cutie pie! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chris lost a tooth!

Yesterday when I picked Chris up from school there was a big crowd gathered around him. He was super excited to show me the big gap in his mouth. His top tooth had been loose for a while. Apparently during PE, the kids were playing capture the flag, and two boys ran into either side of his face. When he looked down, he saw his tooth on the ground. Love that new grin!

Our afternoon

It's so rare that we actually have peaceful afternoons after school, so I had to share. The boys came home from a very snowy day and drank hot chocolate and played chess. I love moments like this! (Bryce won by the way, and a huge fight ensued shortly after). : )