Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Audrey's birth story

Baby Audrey has arrived! She was born at 6:49 am on March 15th. She weighed 8# 8 oz. and was 21 1/2" long.

Last Sunday night I woke up at 1:45 am to a pretty painful contraction. I waited a bit, and then started having another one, so I decided to put an app on my phone and start timing them. They were consistently about 7 or 8 minutes apart. My OB said to call when they were 5 minutes apart. I couldn't sleep through them, so I decided to go get in the comfy chair in the nursery. I really wanted to make it to a decent time of day before waking the boys up, and calling our friends to watch them. They stayed at that 7-8 minute range until 4:45 am. I decided I should start listening to my hypnotic birthing CD to prepare. I had it going for about 3 minutes when all of the sudden contractions got fast and furious- every minute or two.  I went and got Conan and called my OB- who said to come in. Here are my contractions, just so I can remember : ).

Conan got the boys up right at 5, and by the time he came in the room I couldn't even put my own socks on. We managed to make it out the door and into the car to deliver the boys to our good friends from church's house. It was about 20 minutes away. After listening to my contractions for a while, Bryce finally said, "Mom, I didn't think you were going to be like this." So funny! I tried to explain to them that I was in a lot of pain, but I was going to be fine. I'm not sure anyone in the car believed me.

We finally made it to drop off the kids, and I got to talk to my friend Keri for a quick second. Then Conan took me to the hospital. I had done the preadmission paperwork, but still had quite a bit to sign. The person registering me seemed completely unphased by the fact that I could barely stand up. Conan asked if he could sign for me, and she said "nope". So I continued on. Afterword they tried to get me to do all of the weight checks, urine checks etc. I don't think anyone there believed me that I really thought I was about to have that baby. I finally got in my gown and they checked to see how dilated I was... 10 cm! Now I had some people convinced. 

The nurse was very calm, and told me my doctor was on her way, but not to worry because there was another doctor there that could deliver me. They had me go to my room and asked if I still wanted a waterbirth. They said they would try to fill up the tub. By the time they got me situated I went to get on the bed and my water broke. Needless to say, I was a little too late for a waterbirth. She kept saying now if you need to push let us know, but your doctor will be here very soon. Finally the doctor came running in and said she had just come up the stairs because she didn't want to wait for the elevator. She let me start pushing, and about a dozen pushes later, Audrey Elizabeth arrived! Conan is always such a great, calm coach during deliveries. She laid on me for a while, and then started nursing like a champ. We called the boys right away and told them the exciting news. Chris proceeded to tell us about basketball brackets : ). The boys came to visit their little sister that evening, and had about a million kisses for her. 

She did great at the hospital, and Conan and Bryce picked me up the next day to take us home. 

Dad and Audrey time!
First Bath.
Sweet little girl.
Love from the brothers!
Look at her!
Her fingers and nails were so long! 
Going home outfit <3.
Close up.
It's amazing, when I was pregnant with her, I started to get worried about how I could love her as much as Chris and Bryce. I just kept reminding myself that I felt the same way when I was pregnant with Bryce, and how much do we just adore Bryce?! Well, turns out the same is true with Miss Audrey. Our hearts have opened even wider with love for our precious girl. Welcome to the family, Audrey Elizabeth!

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