Sunday, November 20, 2011


Conan took Chris fishing by themselves for the first time today. Chris was so excited all weekend about their big trip. He woke up bright and early and they got geared up. They didn't catch anything, but had a great time out there. Conan said Chris did a really good job and was such a big kid out there- reeling all by himself.

Bryce and I missed the big guys, but had fun ourselves. He  took it upon himself to try and play with as many of big bro's toys as he could at the same time : ).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some pictures

Here's some pictures from the week...
Super tall tower built with Dad. Fast slides and lots climbing at Klub 4 Kids. Milk mustaches. Little brother having just as much fun playing as the big kids.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bryce is Officially Talking!

Bryce has been talking up a storm these past couple of days. We get mostly Dada's with a few other sounds thrown in. He's got the cutest little voice! Most of his words come at night when he's really tired. We'll take them when we can get them! He's also started to get on his hands and knees and rock. I didn't think he was going to crawl for quite a while since he's become so efficient at rolling to get what he wants, but he may surprise me! He got his flu shot yesterday and he was quite the trooper. He didn't even cry!


We have had the most gorgeous fall here! Chris has loved playing in the leaves. He had a leaf land on the back of his neck yesterday. He told me it was special because the tree wanted him to have it. Love him!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Chevy was in town this weekend so we decided to see the Radio City Christmas spectacular this morning. It was so amazing. The boys surprised me with their reactions. Both Chris and Conan loved it. Chris was really excited about Santa, and Conan was excited Jesus made an appearance. Bryce woke up right before the show started. I was nervous about how he'd do, but he was a rockstar. He sat on my lap and clapped and jumped (and ate quite a bit), he really liked it. The picture of the stage is how they all turned out because of the bazillion lights and sequins up there. We ate at Prime Burger after the show and saw the Rockefeller tree being put up. Thanks for spending your weekend with us, Aunt Chevy! It was super fun!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7 months!

Happy 7 months Bryce! This has been such a fun month! He is really getting a little personality
Bryce loves to play. He grabs anything that's within reach, or grunts and tries with all his might to get what is out of arm's reach.

He picks himself up all of the way on his hands during tummy time, and has started to move his knees. We may have a crawler by the end of the month!

Bryce is a great eater. His favorite so far seems to be avocado. He's also tried peas, banana, pear, butternut squash, and green beans. Feeding him is really fun. He likes my baby food making, which a certain other son who shall remain nameless didn't. I appreciate my hard work not being thrown on the ground : ).

We may have had a first word last night! It was the middle of the night. I wasn't feeding him in an attempt to get him on a more normal sleep schedule. I heard what sounded just like a Mama in the midst of some other more upset sounds!

He still loves it when Chris plays with him. They're so cute together! Chris always brings Bryce a toy when he doesn't have anything in his hands.

Bryce is still super happy. He's always smiling and likes to laugh (the hardest when Dad is tickling him). He gets more fun by the minute!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mom night

Last night was pretty intense at the Crum house. I write this so that one day when I'm missing having babies at the house I can remember this and maybe just enjoy sleeping through the night a little bit : ).

When Conan got home we all ate dinner. Bryce was hungry. Like throw his whole body at the spoon hungry. He has been eating one food at a time. Last night he went through three. Rookie mom mistake. I was nursing him before bed and all of the sudden he threw up everything he had just eaten. Butternut squash. Pears. Green beans. Awesome.

I went into the room where Conan was reading to Chris before bed and he helped me get cleaned up. We got the kids to bed and then heard Mr. Pukey crying at 11. Normally when he cries that early in the night I try to calm him down without feeding him. Last night I felt like he must be hungry and nursed him. When that happens he knows he hit the jackpot and tries to eat every hour all night long. About 3 am I fell asleep with him on the chair in the living room. I was awoken to a thud and crying from Chris' room. Poor kiddo fell out of his big kid bed.

I go to stand up to see Chris and my leg is completely asleep from being in a weird angle on the chair. I couldn't walk at all. Cue to me crawling on all fours to Chris' room while holding Bryce and trying to wiggle my leg awake. I finally made it in there and put Bryce in his room. Chris was okay, just upset. So I switched to sleeping in his bed with him. I think I made it back to our bed about 4:55, right in time for Conan's alarm to go off. Ahh. Life as a mom.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday night

We had a fabulous Saturday. This morning the big boys went to the fishing store and got lunch. I stayed here with Bryce. He napped (2 hours!!) and I crafted. It was amazing.
When Chris woke up from his afternoon nap I got to spend some time with just him. It was great. We ate popcorn and played Go Fish and  Crazy 8's (thanks Kristi!). Bryce woke back up after a while and joined us.

In the evening we got dinner at a place that may/may not actually be a bar. You've got to love asking for 2 highchairs at a place that has college kids, pitchers of beer, and about 50 televisions with football on. In our defense, they also have kids menus. We all had lots of fun and they even played us some Elvis!

Apple picking

This is from a few weeks ago. It got lost in cyberspace, so I thought I'd at least repost the pictures...

Friday, November 4, 2011

This week

These pics are from the last few days. We've had a great week. It's starting to get really chilly here. It's fun for now. I'm sure I'll be over it soon though.

We went to Soho to meet up with Lauren and got a hot chocolate at the Starbucks on the way. They even put Chris on the cup and called his name. He was super excited.

Bryce is playing food while Chris is in school below. He's officially a sitter (and clapper) and very proud of himself.

The next picture is Chris doing our grocery shopping. He's 3- we've got to put him to work!

The last picture is how I found the blocks arranged when I was cleaning up the other day. After checking with Conan we realized it was our slightly ocd son : ).

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We had such a fun Halloween! Chris picked out our costumes quite a while ago. We were the cat family, from his favorite, The Best First Book Ever by Richard Scarry. Chris was Huckle, I was Mommy Cat, Conan was Daddy Cat, and Bryce was Lowly the Worm (sorry Bryce!).

We started the day off with BOO banana bread. School was canceled and the kids all had a parade to the fire station. They got lots of treats and the parents all got to go crazy taking pictures. Afterwards, Silvia and I took the kids to the diner for lunch. Oliver and Carter came over to trick or treat that night. The boys filled their buckets to the brim after just 8 floors. The Cat Family definitely had The Best Halloween Ever!