Friday, November 4, 2011

This week

These pics are from the last few days. We've had a great week. It's starting to get really chilly here. It's fun for now. I'm sure I'll be over it soon though.

We went to Soho to meet up with Lauren and got a hot chocolate at the Starbucks on the way. They even put Chris on the cup and called his name. He was super excited.

Bryce is playing food while Chris is in school below. He's officially a sitter (and clapper) and very proud of himself.

The next picture is Chris doing our grocery shopping. He's 3- we've got to put him to work!

The last picture is how I found the blocks arranged when I was cleaning up the other day. After checking with Conan we realized it was our slightly ocd son : ).


Bizibit said...

I'm really loving all the updates!

Amy said...

Thanks Bonnie! I can blog from my phone now, so it gives me something to do while I feed Bryce. Miss you!