Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mom night

Last night was pretty intense at the Crum house. I write this so that one day when I'm missing having babies at the house I can remember this and maybe just enjoy sleeping through the night a little bit : ).

When Conan got home we all ate dinner. Bryce was hungry. Like throw his whole body at the spoon hungry. He has been eating one food at a time. Last night he went through three. Rookie mom mistake. I was nursing him before bed and all of the sudden he threw up everything he had just eaten. Butternut squash. Pears. Green beans. Awesome.

I went into the room where Conan was reading to Chris before bed and he helped me get cleaned up. We got the kids to bed and then heard Mr. Pukey crying at 11. Normally when he cries that early in the night I try to calm him down without feeding him. Last night I felt like he must be hungry and nursed him. When that happens he knows he hit the jackpot and tries to eat every hour all night long. About 3 am I fell asleep with him on the chair in the living room. I was awoken to a thud and crying from Chris' room. Poor kiddo fell out of his big kid bed.

I go to stand up to see Chris and my leg is completely asleep from being in a weird angle on the chair. I couldn't walk at all. Cue to me crawling on all fours to Chris' room while holding Bryce and trying to wiggle my leg awake. I finally made it in there and put Bryce in his room. Chris was okay, just upset. So I switched to sleeping in his bed with him. I think I made it back to our bed about 4:55, right in time for Conan's alarm to go off. Ahh. Life as a mom.

1 comment:

Bizibit said...

Oh man! Get some good rest tonight!!!