Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7 months!

Happy 7 months Bryce! This has been such a fun month! He is really getting a little personality
Bryce loves to play. He grabs anything that's within reach, or grunts and tries with all his might to get what is out of arm's reach.

He picks himself up all of the way on his hands during tummy time, and has started to move his knees. We may have a crawler by the end of the month!

Bryce is a great eater. His favorite so far seems to be avocado. He's also tried peas, banana, pear, butternut squash, and green beans. Feeding him is really fun. He likes my baby food making, which a certain other son who shall remain nameless didn't. I appreciate my hard work not being thrown on the ground : ).

We may have had a first word last night! It was the middle of the night. I wasn't feeding him in an attempt to get him on a more normal sleep schedule. I heard what sounded just like a Mama in the midst of some other more upset sounds!

He still loves it when Chris plays with him. They're so cute together! Chris always brings Bryce a toy when he doesn't have anything in his hands.

Bryce is still super happy. He's always smiling and likes to laugh (the hardest when Dad is tickling him). He gets more fun by the minute!

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