Sunday, December 2, 2012


Big news today! Our baby potty came in the mail yesterday, and Bryce was very excited about it. Today Conan took Bryce to sit on it and he went! I really wouldn't have wanted to start potty training so early, but you can tell Bryce was feeling really left out of the potty experience. We didn't even need to give him a treat today, you could tell he was so excited that we were happy. Chris gave him lots of big hugs and encouragement too. Good job Bryce!

As long as we're talking milestones, I should mention that Bryce finally grew new teeth. He had 6 teeth and hadn't gotten a new one for a good 6 months. Finally, last week he got his third bottom tooth, and yesterday we noticed his fourth bottom tooth poking through. Maybe he'll stop biting all of us now!

He also tells us "I want ". Usually the things he wants are Daddy, Mommy, Wa Wa, Ba Ba, Dog, Eeee (his word for cat), Catch (ball), or Umm (food). It's pretty adorable. His pediatrician said he he was advanced at his last visit, I just think he may be a little needy (kidding of course, Bryce). We love you!

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