Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Crazy boys

The boys had lots of fun today. It was gorgeous outside, so we did lots of runs to the playground. We've started Chris on a school schedule, so no naps, but early bedtime. Don't feel too bad for me. The boys have napped together for a good hour and a half every single day. It has been so nice, and I'm really sad to say goodbye to the double nap. It has been fun these past couple of days to have time with just Chris while Bryce snoozes. Today we built a Lego creator set (thanks Aunt Buggy!). Here are a few pics. 
Cheesers! (Literally, Bryce had mac & cheese all over his face).
 I wouldn't have known how this happened unless I watched it with my own eyes. I was unloading bags after we had run errands and Bryce went to a bag and got out the paper towels and used all of his strength to bring them into the kitchen. I was impressed with his helpfulness, until I realized he was doing it so he could use it as a stool to reach something on the counter. He was very proud of himself for thinking of that one!

Chris was trying to put together a 300 piece Winnie the Pooh puzzle in this pic. Bryce was being a bit of a distraction. 
 They were trying to balance the pieces on their head.


Chevon said...

haha! I don't know why, but I literally laughed out loud with excitement when I saw the pieces balancing on both of their little heads :D Success!

Mariko said...

I laughed at that, too!! So funny; and that first photo of them is to die for!