Saturday, August 18, 2012


We've had a nice low-key weekend so far. Chris went to a birthday party. Conan took him, so I wasn't able to paparazzi him there, sorry for no pics : ). We also got the curtain up for our room. At the beginning of the summer Conan and I switched rooms with the boys. We moved them into our room  and we took the wall down in the living room and moved our bed in there (with no door, as Chris loves to point out). Before today we had a bed in the living room. It sounds strange, but it's pretty New York. As of today, we have our own, partitioned room! I'm really happy with how it turned out, and the boys could not love playing in the curtain more. 
Here are a few pictures from the past couple of days...
Bryce playing tee ball. He can put the ball on there all by himself and whack it with the bat. 
Bryce eating dinner yesterday. It was Indian, and I'm pretty sure more is on his shirt than went in his mouth.
Bryce doing cheesers for me while Chris was at the party. He loves spinning in Dad's chair!
The boys playing in the curtain. 
Chris throwing a ball out of the curtain.
Bryce retrieving said ball. I wonder how long this curtain is going to last?

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