Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bryce's Stats

Today was Bryce's sixteen month visit at the pediatrician. Bryce hates the doctor. So much. I think it stems from the allergy testing incident, but it's almost a joke. As soon as we walk in the room he screams. I finally calm him down and then the nurse comes in and he screams. He gets a little break and then the doctor comes in and he looks at her in the eyes and cries uncontrollably. Poor kid, but he didn't even get shots today, it really wasn't that bad. We all survived and got a good bill of health. He's 25-50% for weight, 75% for height, and 50% for head.

Here are the stats... 24# (21# at 1 year), 32" long (30" at 1 year), and head is 47 cm (46 cm at 1 year).

Chris and I compiled a list of Bryce's words before the visit... Daddy, Mommy, Bubba (kind of, but we're working on it instead of "Chris"), balloon, catch, down, night- night, dog, see, that, yeah. He doesn't say no like he used to. He does shake his head no to almost every question you ask him, minus would you like a huge lollipop, or how about we just skip feeding you food, and you can just drink bottles of milk whenever you want (Bryce looooves Baba's, I managed to leave that conversation out at our pediatrician visit today!).

Today was gorgeous. We spent almost all day outside. I can't believe I didn't take one picture! Probably because when I'm outside with the boys I feel like I need at least one more set of eyes as it is. Definitely not lots of time to get the camera out. We met up with some of Chris' friends from school at the playground after Bryce's appointment. They played in the sprinklers and we ordered pizza. We stayed for 3 hours and I think the kids could have made it longer. The parents were all begging the kids to leave because we were exhausted.

The boys took long naps when we got home, so I knew I needed to do something to wear them down. As soon as they woke up we went to the pool by our apartment. It was the first time I've taken both boys by myself. It went surprisingly well. They have a kiddie pool that's only a foot deep and the boys loved it. It looks like a big pool, so when they walked in and realized they could stand they were both so happy. Chris kept throwing his whole body in and swimming from side to side (bet you didn't know you could do that in only a foot of water, right? : ) ). Bryce refused to let me hold on to him. He would walk around and I would stand as close as I could without touching, so I could grab him when he would face plant in the water. They were both pretty adorable. After dinner we went back out to the playground, to ensure they were sufficiently worn out before bed. I think it worked. They're both snoozing away. Goodnight!

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