Thursday, August 2, 2012

Real life

I feel like about 95% of my days at home with the boys are super fun. There's usually one part in the day where I feel like they gang up against me. It's tricky, because it's never the same time or place. It usually is only a few minutes. But, ever since it's been 2 against 1 during the day, I can pretty much guarantee it will happen at some point. 

Yesterday? After the Intrepid. Chris had been thinking he needed to go #2 the majority of the time we were there. He tried three times. No luck. As soon as we were walking to get a cab he told me he had to go right then, it was an emergency. So, with Bryce strapped in the Ergo carrier I picked Chris up and ran to the closest place I could find a potty. The bar. Awesome. We ran in and the bartender was nice enough to let us go straight to the back. There was one restroom and it was about a thousand degrees. I had buckets of sweat dripping off of me. Bryce started wailing because he had been in the Ergo too long. A lady came in to use the restroom and Chris flat out refused to get off. As I was trying to coax Chris to leave with screaming Bryce and my pool of sweat in the bar bathroom I almost had to laugh at how ridiculous that moment was. 

Today? I had scheduled a play date for Chris at 1:00. The boys both usually nap at that time, but it was with a little boy we hadn't seen in a while and it was the only time they could get together. As Chris was eating lunch he told me he really wanted to nap before we left (why, why didn't I listen?). I told him we couldn't or we'd be late. We went, he played, it was great. Until Bryce found a can that some big kids had left at the playground. Before I could stop him he picked it up and sliced his finger. (Boo, big kids!). It wasn't too bad, but it was right on his joint and hard to stop the bleeding. I decided to head home so we could properly disinfect. I knew Chris was exhausted and could tell he was just looking for things to make him angry. He found one right as we walked into the building. Someone held the door for us, gasp! and he wasn't able to open the door like he likes. He lost it. I kid you not, full out hysteria. We don't have a ramp in our building, we just have a little enclosed lift to bring strollers and wheelchairs up.  So there I was in a very tight, enclosed space with one child who had rubbed blood all over his clothes, and the other child so upset he could barely breathe. Another one of those five minutes that during the moment feel like they are eternity, but looking back, even just a few hours later, actually makes me laugh at the craziness that goes along with having two little guys. 

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