Thursday, August 9, 2012

He's got the fever

As soon as I hit publish on Tuesday's post I figured I was jinxing myself. I came home to a 101.5 fever by Mr. Bryce. That would explain the 2 hour + nap. I took him to the pediatrician yesterday and it's the dreaded Coxsackie (hand, foot, and mouth). Apparently everyone in the neighborhood has it. It's a virus, so we just have to wait it out. Yesterday was the worst. Bryce had a fever all day. Tylenol would kick in for about an hour and then he'd be back to being upset. He needed some serious snuggle time. He only likes to be held standing up though : ). Today the fever is gone, even without Tylenol. He still has a rash, but is eating a little bit and drinking more. I took the boys out to a playground that's just an open field with no kids so they could get fresh air without spreading the germs to everyone else. Both of them had a  great time, I think we're on the mend. Let's just cross our fingers that Chris' hands, feet and mouth stay Coxsackie free!

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