Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy 16 Months Bryce!

Bryce is 16 months old today! Chris threw him a 16 month birthday party this morning with play food. Here are some updates on the Bryce-Man...

1. He has hair! When I looked at the last picture I posted 2 months ago he didn't have any. Now, he has a full head of very light blonde hair!
2. He talks! His words of the moment (in order of what we hear the most): Daddy- if you're in our family, he calls you Daddy. At first it was confusing, but now Chris and I just answer to it. Update... I started getting Mommy today! So, so, so exciting! Catch (a close second), See, see, see (as in see that leaf, see that bird, see that piece of grass- he gets progressively louder and more frantic if you don't answer him immediately, That (what's that?), Down, Yeah, Wow, Dog (if you're an animal, you're getting called a dog, over and over). He's gone through lots of other words too that come and go: no, Gaga, Ball & Bat are not in the rotation at the moment.
3. He loves ball.
4. He has 6 teeth- 4 on top, 2 on bottom.
5. His favorite foods are watermelon, rice, Pad Se Ew, rice krispies, applesauce, peas and corn.
6. He is really loving. He loves to walk up to people and lean his head on their back and give hugs. We had one of Chris' friends over who had a baby Bryce's age and he just kept giving him hugs over and over. It was pretty adorable. If he gets a boo-boo he needs it to be kissed by every person in the room, he even tries for strangers if we're out and about.
7. He can also be a little bit of a meanie. We call him bad worm (remember when he was Lowly the Worm for Halloween?) If he gets tired &/or hungry, forget it. He hits, scratches, and bites. (We're working on it though!)
8. He still loves the water. He gets super excited about bath time (although he doesn't splash every drop of the water out like he used to). He really likes the pool, and he puts his entire head into the sprinklers at the playground.
9. He's allergic to egg whites. We had some scares with Bryce getting hives and his eyes swelling. I was pretty sure it was eggs, but as time went I was afraid he had lots of other allergies. We had allergy testing done last week (so painful! 20 pricks up and down his back) and they determines it's only egg whites. The allergist was pretty sure it would go away by the age of 3, so we're not too concerned. I definitely carry kiddy Benadryl everywhere I go though.
10. He can understand almost everything we say now. If we ask him to get his shoes he will. If I tell him I need to change his diaper he goes to the changing table. When I tell him it's bath time he goes into the bath. It's really great. I love baby stage, but it's fun to have a little guy who's starting to understand the world. We love him!

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