Trying to re-enter the real world is always a little choatic on Monday. Add the day after the Super Bowl into the equation and it's a little tougher. Bryce puked in the middle of the night due to excessive pig in a blanket eating. I had to shovel out our mailbox because we were getting hand written notes from our mail carrier about not being able to deliver the mail. I thought our washing machine was broken for a couple of hours, but then it miraculously fixed itself, and I had to slip and slide with the trash down our icy and ridiculously steep hill all before I got to finish my first cup of coffee.
But, low and behold, it turned out to be an excellent day. Bryce has music class on Mondays. We take it in downtown Minneapolis, and it has been a really great experience. It's at Macphail, and they specialize in making music fun, but also extremely educational. Every week they play on real instruments.

Here's his art project they worked on.

Afterwards we had to stay in Minneapolis for an appointment later in the day. Our friends were kind enough to join us at the Minneapolis public library for some play time. It's the most amazing library I've ever seen. Here's a little snippet of the fun Bryce was having. Duck riding while holding a dinosaur on a life size game board. I know.

Here's Bryce at the Pediatric ENT. He had a fall last week on his nose, and the pediatrician recommended we get it checked out by an expert. Bryce was super tough and told him all about how he got a lollipop after it happened , and it was cherry flavored, but Chris said it was strawberry. The doc said he was fine and it's not broken. Huge sigh of relief!
Here's the only pic of the afternoon I got. Once we pick up Chris at school, it gets a little chaotic around here. This is a game of Uno right before dinner. He crushed me at it.

Bedtime for the boys! See you tomorrow!
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