Thursday, February 20, 2014

It's a blur...

I apologIze, but every picture I have of today is blurry. These boys were too busy to stop and pose.

This picture made me laugh because I thought I needed to come break up a fight because Bryce was shrieking so much. Turns out It was a chase game Bryce made up, and he wanted Chris to take the ball from him, so he could go and get it.
After we dropped Chris off at school I took Bryce to a make up swim class. Here he is floating at the end. He was so relaxed that when he got out of the pool he almost fell over.
After that, we went back to the playset warehouse. The best deals of the season are during the winter, so I wanted to get it  taken care if before it's finally nice out and people are ready for swingsets. Bryce just wanted to jump on the trampoline the whole time.
Here he is swinging at the end. We had a successful trip...
We just need all of this snow to melt so they can find our backyard!
(I tried to take a picture of our backyard, but the camera would only focus on ALL of the snow that's coming down right now. We're supposed to get a whole foot of snow tonight!)

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