Monday, February 24, 2014


Happy Monday! For some reason life after the Friday snow storm isn't back to normal. Everywhere took twice as long as usual to get to. We were 30 minutes late to music class, but just about everyone else was too. Here's Bryce playing piano at the end.
On our way home we stopped by Honey Baked Ham. A groupon came up for it the other day. If you know me well, you know I can not resist HBH. Bryce was a big fan as well.
After we picked Chris up from school, we played find the yellow washcloth around the house for a good hour. So glad the boys have a million toys all over the place and they'd rather play with a towel. The game went like this: Chris would hide the washcloth. We would look all over and finally find it. Bryce would hide the wash cloth in the same place Chris had just hidden it, and then tell us where it was before we even had a chance to look.

Dad got home, and it was playdough time until dinner.
Then they had a sword fight with plastic bags. (Again, so glad we have all of those toys).
At dinner, Chris told us his teacher told him that a bear blew out the candle of the Olympic closing ceremonies, and then cried because it was over. We had to find out what in the world she was talking about, so we watched a rerun of it. Totally not what I thought she meant, but the boys were memorized by it. That's it for us! See you tomorrow!

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