Thursday, February 27, 2014


Hello! It's cold today. I was kind of surprised Chris had school. I only saw -13 on the thermometer, but I think the windchill was -30. 

Here he is, playing some piano this morning. 
After school drop off, I took Bryce to the city library with our friends. He walked up to this statue and said, "Take my picture". I think he's getting used to all of this blogging.

Surprise, surprise, he wanted to play cars. 
Here he is at the kitchen. He actually pretended to eat the pretend fruit. Baby steps!
And of course, lots if book reading!
After we picked up Chris from school, we decided on mac & cheese for a snack. This is what happens when you have more negative temperature days than you can count. Comfort food!
Chris had his sports class tonight. It's a combo of t-ball, lacrosse, football, and lots of tag.

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