A few weeks ago on "take your daughter to work day", Conan and one of his coworkers decided it would be fun to show their babies off. Christopher and I ventured into Midtown and met Conan. We had a great time seeing Dad's office and meeting all of his coworkers. We ate lunch at a yummy hamburger place down the street with Matt and his wife and son (who's 2). Christopher was so surprised to get to see Dad in the middle of the day. He also loved the office because it was covered in computer and television screens. Maybe I'll send the LG to work with Dad more often!

Does anyone else see the guy in the background so dedicated to his work, so unwilling to take a break from the present financial crisis, that he refuses to stand and remove himself from a beautiful picture of a dad with his son. These are the people Wall Street are made of :) Well done good sir, rock on...
Ha ha. I didn't even see that guy. Thanks for pointing him out, Chevy. I'll get Conan to make fun of him for it.
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