Friday, June 5, 2009

Rainy Day

It rains a lot here. Conan said he thought it rained more here than in Austin. I said there was no way. So, we made a bet and looked it up. Now Conan gets to pick the next movie we rent. 

The good thing about the rain here is that most of the time there are breaks in the day when we can go outside. Friday was not one of those days. It rained from when we woke up until when Christopher went to bed. Except for a few minutes when we ventured out for some Dunkin Donuts (it was national donut day, I had to get my free one!), we stayed inside all day.

Christopher got tired of playing with his own toys pretty quickly. It's amazing the things that kids can find to entertain themselves. Here's a recap of our day...

The packing tape was fun to roll around for a good 15 minutes.

He had a great time unfolding all of the laundry I had just folded. 

He loved taking everything out of his drawers.

Unpack diaper bag, Mom puts everything back, repeat times about 3.

I'm just glad we don't have pictures of everything he did to me. He found out both of his hands can fit in my mouth (I'm not quite sure how that happened, I was just sitting beside him and looked over and he put them both in before I could stop him). He banged his head into mine so hard I thought he broke my nose for a second, and I'm glad I have any hair left at all. We were all happy for some pretty weather on Saturday!


Bizibit said...


Mariko said...

Watch out for that Crum Head Butt. We all are able to do it, but Cassidy and Dax are the masters. If you're wondering, when they went "head to head" (hahah), Cassidy knocked him out cold. Maybe Christopher can challenge her when he gets older... like in a year.