Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy First Birthday Christopher!

Dear Christopher, 
Today you are one! We can't believe how quickly this year has gone. It seems like such a short time ago they were handing you to us for the first time. We'll never forget those big blue eyes staring at us. We didn't even know all of the joy you were about to bring into our lives. 

We're so proud of who you have become. You've already touched so many people. You make everyone you meet smile (that's saying a lot for some of those mean New Yorkers you make melt!). All you have to do is look up at them and give them one of your classic Christopher grins and they're done. 

It's easy to see how smart you are already. You love reading your books (and eating and tearing them : ) ). You know Da Da, Ma Ma and make just about any noise Dad challenges you to. You can make goals in your basketball hoop and took a step on your own last week. 

We hope you never lose your determination and persistence. You don't let being shorter than everyone is this house stop you from trying to reach high places, squeeze into tight spots, or get what you want- even if it is with a little grunting. You have adapted so well to our new city- probably even better than us. You let us drag you on subways, in cabs, and in all sorts of crazy places and never object (okay, rarely object).

You've made this past year the best. You make us laugh out loud every single day with your new tricks, looks, or your little giggle. You've made us work hard for it- sleepless nights, throwing all of your food on the ground, screaming in the middle of the grocery (and CVS, and restaurants, you get the idea). But, every second of it was worth it to get to be your parents! We're so lucky to have you in our lives. We can't wait to see everything that 1 has in store for you! Happy Birthday Little Guy!

We love you so much!
Mom and Dad  


Bizibit said...

i know you totally cried writing that...cause I cried a little reading it...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CCC2!!!!!

Rachel said...

AWWWW! That was just the sweetest thing ever! I am so looking forward to seeing all of you- let's start planning!

Carol said...

I love reading this--what a year you've had! Can't wait to see you all. Happy Birthday, Christopher.


--Grammie Carol

Mariko said...

CHRISTOPHER!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! you rock buddy. I know it was a rough year with your paparazzi mom posting so many photos of you... stay strong kid... she just loves you:)

All my love,
Aunt Buggy