I think Christopher had a great first birthday. Conan took the day off, so he got tons of Dad time. He woke up with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" by Mom and Dad. Poor kid had no idea what was going on. Here he is eating breakfast. I got him to do the "one" for a second, but not long enough to get a picture.
After breakfast he opened cards and presents from family. Here he is opening the one my Aunt Ronda, Uncle Joe, and Samuel sent him.
Dr. Seuss books! His favorite. They got them for him in board book form, so it'll be much more difficult for him to destroy : ) . He loved it!

After that we took him to FAO Schwarz to pick out his birthday present. The nice soldier greeted us.

We hope you had as much fun on your birthday as we did LG! We love you!
Opening birthday cards...
Our sweet neighbor, Jo brought him a bear that lights up and sings Happy Birthday. Christopher was a big fan.

We took him to McDonald's for lunch (I know, gasp!). He loves the grilled chicken in the snack wrap (what does Ronald put in there?). We even let him have some fries.
When we got home it was time to devour some of those carrot cake cupcakes Mom made. Conan lit a candle on every one of them. We sang Happy Birthday, blew them out, gave one to Christopher, and he lost it. He poked at it for a couple of seconds and then threw it on the ground. He wouldn't even taste it! Every time we tried to give him a little icing he bawled. Maybe it was the huge fireball that we put in front of his face? I guess that's why you're supposed to only do one candle per year, get kids used to the fire a little at a time. Now we know. So now the LG has two fears, Max and cupcakes.
I don't think he realized that he got to take some of them home. Here he is opening his presents. A farm puzzle...
Then he discovered his favorite part was the packaging itself.
For dinner we got him his favorite, steamed vegetables and sticky rice from our sushi restaurant. He grubbed sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, onion. And then we pulled out those cupcakes again.

And he was out of there.