Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things

Everyone's facebook posts had me thinking in lists, so I took it upon myself to make one for Christopher...

1. Last week was a big week, on Sunday I said Ma Ma for the first time. On Wednesday I officially crawled and clapped.
2. No matter how bad of a mood I'm in, pretending to eat my toes will always be hilarious.
3. Whatever that is in your hand... I want it.  
4. Dad, hold me on your shoulders again, Mom's look when you do that is too funny.
5. Why do you even bother putting socks on me, you know I'm just going to take them off immediately.

6. Same goes for hats.
7. Mom, I don't care that you're a dietitian, I'm not eating green vegetables.
8. I'd really appreciate it if you would just hold me all night long. That crib is totally overrated.
9. Don't even get me started on naps. 
10. I just look bald, I've got a whole head of hair I'm hiding up here.

11. I'm rubbing my eyes because I want to play more, not because I'm exhausted.
12. Don't worry about those fancy baby toys, I'd be much happier if you would just let me play with that window screen pull all day long. 

13. My new favorite way to explore is hitting everything. Putting them in my mouth is a close second. 
14. Mom, don't you think that when it's 30 degrees outside and I'm sweating you've over done it with the layers. 
15. Favorite hobbies: charming the old ladies in the elevator with my gummy grin, touching things I'm not supposed to, trying to fit my entire hand in my mouth, all things related to milk.
16. Enough with the classical, get me some Akon in here!
17. Could you just be ready with about 6 spoons for my meals- you know where they're going.
18. Do you really need 10 pictures of me in the exact same position. Enough with the flash.
19. Make all of the homemade, organic baby food you want- I'm going to throw it on the ground and reach for your pizza instead.
20. No. more. vitamins.
21. Mom, we all know thumbkin is behind your back- find a new song!
22. Dad, the more raspberries the better.23. Did you really think I was going to be the only one getting wet during my bath?
24. Mom, seriously, do you have to sniff my diaper in public to see if I pooped? What if the other babies see. 
25. I really think sweet potato is my color. Don't you?


Bizibit said...

too funny! congrats on the first word and the crawl!!!

Mary said...

You are so creatively expressive and funny! I loved reading this blog! yay! love ya, Mary =)

Mary said...

ok, I had to comment on these.. haha!
#4 - is it a scared look? b/c that's what I do when Noah goes up on someone's shoulders.
#18 - so me too!
#7,16,19,20 - I lol and can totally relate.
You guys take care.

rub said...

thats funny:)

Once he learns "mama" its mama all day and you wish he never learned it.

And it's a looooonng time until dada comes... :)

Amy said...

Thanks guys!

Amazingly enough he's not scared when Conan puts him on his shoulders- that's a long way from the ground. I'm scared for him, though. I'm glad you can relate, Mary. I think our boys are a lot alike : ).

He's not a big talker yet. We just get a few little words every once in a while. (Especially when he's supposed to be sleeping).