Monday, February 23, 2009

Only in NYC




Christopher playing with the box to his new crib.

Conan always says that if you can't get something in this city, you can't get it any where. We found out how true this is last week. I couldn't love Christopher more, but he was a terrible roommate. We decided we had to get him out of our room and needed a two bedroom apartment. On Monday we called around and on Wednesday we got a pressurized wall put up in the living room to give the LG his own space. It took them about 8 hours from start to finish. Now we have an extra room with a wall that looks just like normal. Christopher is sleeping so much better. So are we!


Mary said...

wow. the things we have to do when we have kids, huh? My Mom only tells me this is the beginning, and that we will go through millions of more sacrificies. =P Hope the new space makes a positive huge difference for ya'll. (noah cries in the middle of the night when we make the slightest noise to go to the bathroom or something "momma!" Since Matt gets up at 5:30, he has to turn on the AC fan to buff out noise when getting ready). take care, Mary

Bizibit said...

so how big is his room?

Amy said...

Mary - I know! We're getting him a wall at 8 months, what are we going to have to do when he's 16? I thought all of these sleeping troubles would be gone once he wasn't a baby anymore. It's always nice to hear what Noah's up to so I can have a better idea of what to expect with Christopher.

Bonnie- It's the biggest room in our apartment : ) . To be fair, it is also our living room. We left the couch and TV in there.