Wednesday, January 21, 2009

7 Months

This past month has been huge for Christopher. I feel like every day he's done something new. We went for his weight check today and the second half of his flu shot. He's now 17# and 2 oz. I'm not sure I believe that. When we went to the ER they weighed him almost 18# and that was 3 weeks ago. He just doesn't look as skinny as that puts him on the growth chart, the kid has some thighs. Dr. Julie was happy with his weight gain, so I didn't argue. Maybe we can request a different scale at the 9 month appointment. 

My parents were in town the first part of January. It's freezing here so we didn't go outside a lot, but they got to spend a lot of quality time with the little guy here. We all had lots of fun. He hadn't seen my dad since we left Texas, so it was fun for them to spend time together. I think he remembered my mom from the last time she was here. When she walked in he started laughing! 

Little guy said Da Da for the first time this month (1/10 to be exact). Conan and my parents were here and he started and didn't stop all day. It was too cute and I'm so glad Conan got to hear him say it for the first time. He's also almost crawling. He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth. He can jump both of his legs one step or so and then falls down. When he's on the wood floors he can really get going. He can scootch himself backwards almost anywhere. I've had to really get on the childproofing around here. He's gotten his bottom two teeth this month too. Conan was laying down by him on the bed and had his eyes closed. He said all of the sudden he felt little teeth on the bottom of his nose. Christopher had gotten it! We're really seeing his little personality now. He's so much fun!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I love that cute toothless smile! I bet ya'll can't wait until Spring in NY, huh? I bet Christopher will have a great time in the grass!
This weekend we went to my parents and Noah played in their garden - I think that is the first time he played in the dirt, he loved it. poor boy, all he has at our house is a tuft of grass and concrete. =P