I wanted to post a few of what Christopher's favorite things have been recently. In the moment it's easy to think, "I'll always remember this". After looking at pictures from when he was first born, I know there's a lot of things I've already forgotten about. So, here goes...
The LG still loves broccoli and almost all vegetables (and putting them on his head). I almost don't want to write it, because I'm afraid to jinx it. There are definitely times I have to give him the rest of his meal before his vegetables because that's all he'll eat. He loves sushi (asparagus and sweet potato rolls). We love to go to a sushi restaurant down the street with him because it's the most he ever eats. (I'm not going to lie though, I think a cheeseburger Happy Meal comes in a close second).
His favorite thing to do is play chase. He doesn't really chase people, he just likes to have people run after him. The first thing he does when Dad gets home is run into the living room (while laughing hysterically) and climb on the couch , because he knows Dad will chase after him. It's so funny. He still loves to dance. He goes and stands by the my CD player (I know, so old school) and dances until I turn it on. He still likes Elvis best, but he also likes the "Christopher" CD my mom just brought him a lot. He's tolerating my Christmas music also.
He also started jumping a little while ago. All of the sudden he was on his mat and started bending his knees and lifting them up and making this cute "u-huh" sound. Most of the time he doesn't even get his feet off the ground, but occasionally he does and boy does he get excited.
He is getting lots of words. Most of them aren't the full word yet, but we know what he's talking about. He says Ma for music and mooo, mooo for more. He can also say what just about any animal says. My favorites are his cat and monkey. He still growls like a bear all the time. He can also tell you where his body parts are. We've just gotten to the tricky ones, like elbows and knees. The one word he can say that there is no question what it is? NO! He actually learned it from the big kids at the playground one day. They were yelling it at one of his little girlfriends and all of the sudden he went up to them and started yelling "NO" back. We've been lucky enough to hear it ever since. He mainly says it when he's doing something he knows is wrong. Oh how I fear the terrible twos with this one : ). The other word of choice for him is up, only his is more of a "uppa". He says it when he actually wants up, or when he doesn't know how to say the word he wants. When he whines and we tell him to use his words, we normally get an "uppa" (which is actually way better than the whining).
We're learning that he loves order. He gets really upset when things aren't in place (this is obviously not from me). When my mom was here he threw a fit in the middle of playgroup because he saw her purse was on the opposite side of the room from her. He didn't calm down until she was holding it. Last night we were playing in the hall and I had Conan's slippers on. He freaked out and made me take them off and hand them to Conan. He also brings things that are Conan's to him in the shower. He's taken shirts and even shoes to him while the water is running. I just wish it worked that way with his toys. Those are the one thing he likes scattered everywhere.
His teething has gotten out of control. He's handling it very well, but he's almost got a full mouth of them. He's got 4 molars and 2 eye teeth already. He looks like such a big kid with all of those teeth! He's actually grown quite a bit of hair recently too. We're still not sure exactly the color. It's pretty blond, with a touch of red.
We are having so much fun with the LG. He's such a good kiddo!