Monday, December 21, 2009

18 Months

We had Christopher's 18 month pediatrician appointment last week. Dr. Julie said he's doing great. He's 33 1/2" (80th perecentile), 24# 3 oz (up to the 25th percentile!!) and his head is in the 70th percentile. He didn't cry at all during the exam and just whimpered a little for the shots, but was smiling by the time we were done. I think he tries to show off for Dr. Julie.

We made a list of the words he knows to take to the appointment. I know I'm going to lose the list, so I thought I'd write them down here so I don't forget... Mama, Dada, ball, up, down, apple, more, no, yeah, light, yuck, book, bat, nose, open, dog, water, bag, balloon, banana, eye, phone. He can make the animal sound for dog, cow, sheep, cat, monkey, elephant, and bear (once he starts on bear he has a hard time stopping). He growled at a little girl who tried to take his toy the other day (eeek!). This weekend he started repeating more words that we were saying also. I love this age! Happy 18 months LG!!

1 comment:

Bizibit said...

you need to start working on "Bonnie"