Thursday, October 8, 2009


A couple of weeks ago we had a free afternoon and Christopher and I decided to go out for an adventure. I packed him up in the Baby Bjorn and we took a bus downtown (along with every other middle schooler leaving school at 3:00).

We took a water taxi and Christopher loved it.

Finally, to our destination!

Christopher didn't even know what was coming. I thought I would let him play in their massive indoor play room, but it was only for ages three and up. We still had a great time. He got to ride in the cart and help me shop (mainly for things for his room). We ate Swedish meatballs (he loved them, minus the lincoln berries). Then, we checked out and ran to catch a water taxi back home (this time toting home a new table, toy, and a few kitchen accessories for Mom).

The day after I set up his table I left for a second and when I came back he had climbed into the chair himself and sat down for some breakfast. That was great until he learned to stand on the chairs. Careful, LG!

1 comment:

Mary said...

He is getting more handsome everyday! Hope you guys are doing well. =)