Conan's brother, Dax started in his first Wyoming football game on Saturday. After much exploration of the bars in our neighborhood last week (I'm sure I was quite the sight with the little guy), I found a place that would play the game for us. We went to the Blind Pig and had a great time. Hopefully people understood why we had a baby in a bar after we told them all that Dax was the quarterback. We had the whole place cheering for him. They won 21-20, we were so excited! Christopher slept through most of it- I think we'll probably withhold the details of that little trip to him until he's much older : ).
Little guy has gotten so much bigger in the past couple of weeks! I put an outfit on him that was huge when he was first born and the pants came up to his knees. All of the onsies I had been putting him in look like muscle shirts. On Monday we were walking back from the store and I peeked in the stroller and he was sleeping with his thumb in his mouth, it was so cute! And... last night he laughed for the first time! It was the best thing ever. I had him propped up on my legs and he started doing a big grin. I laughed and then he started making a cute little happy sound. When I laughed more he did it again- it took me a little while to realize that was his adorable laugh. Dad made him laugh a lot more when he got home. He's so entertaining now!
yay! good post! I know what you mean about wasting $ on some stuff. lol! Someone told me that breastfed babies are more likely to suck their thumb/fingers more than bottle fed babies b/c the thumb is skin like.. well ya know; where as a paci is rubber like a bottle nipple. Noah started sucking his thumb on his 1st day of day care and it continues to be his comfort mechanism. =P
love it! Taking a baby to the beach is always much more work than you think, and without a car.. wow! pics are so cute :)
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