Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I meant to post these last week... The first picture is Christopher hitting the toy on his activity gym. He's definitely hitting with more purpose now, but he hasn't been able to grab on to the toy without my help yet. There's a musical sun that he makes go off sometimes, but I don't think he knows how it happens. It keeps him very entertained. The next is one of his baby outfits I tried to put on him the other day. I couldn't stop laughing at the poor guy when I realized the pajamas that used to be too big on him now come up to his knees. I have a whole bag of clothes that my baby has outgrown now! I can't believe how big he's gotten. The next pictures are just him being cute. The last one was one evening after Conan had worked a really long day. I had been making dinner in kitchen and walked out to find my two cuties passed out. I'll post what we've been up to these past couple of weeks later today. 

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