Friday, September 19, 2008

Lesson Learned

Last Friday I was so caught up on watching reports on Ike (my family survived the storm fine, but still no electricity) that I didn't pay attention to the NY weather. I signed Christopher up for a free class at the Gymboree and we headed out that morning. It looked a little gloomy when we left, but I had my umbrella, so I figured we'd be fine. I didn't realize that by the time I walked  across the entire width of the island to get to the class it would be pouring on me. Christopher didn't get a drop on him because he was covered up in the stroller. I was another story. It was a good lesson to always check the weather reports here- I can't just jump in a car like I'm used to. Gymboree was fun. Little guy was upset at first- it was a lot of stimulation, but he started smiling more as the class went on. You could tell the it was very well thought out for mental development- there was singing, parachute time, bubbles, rhymes- an overall good time for mom and baby. We're not going to sign up for it because it's too far away and after we took the free class they told it would be $160 a month- ha ha- not an option. It was a good way to get some new ideas about how to entertain him at home though. 

With all of the craziness with the market, Conan thought he might get called in to work on Saturday, so we stayed home. It was okay, because Christopher entertained us all day and we had some fun family time. This week we've been doing our usual routine, except we added in a stroller group. When we went I thought it was going to be a nice walk around the neighborhood to meet other moms. Nope. It was probably the hardest workout I've done in a year. The leader had us running with the strollers, stepping up and down on park benches, lunges around the sidewalks. Luckily little guy slept through the whole thing, so he didn't have to see his poor mom suffer through the workout : ). I'm still sore! 

We celebrated Christopher's three month birthday on Tuesday. The picture is me posing with him and his birthday cupcakes (for mom and dad of course). He was sleeping peacefully in his bassinet and I decided we had to have a picture of him. He woke up to a camera flash from his dad and his mom holding a cupcake in his face. Poor kid- I can't imagine what he was thinking.

Christopher is doing great. We've started to notice that he's figuring out the things that he does to get a reaction from us. Like when he smiles or laughs or coos we do it back at him. He's also figuring out what he needs to do to get picked up. When I cook dinner I put him in the bouncy seat right outside of the kitchen so we can see each other. He now has this distinct cry he makes and when you pick him up he stops immediately- nothing is wrong, he just wants to be held. Normally this cry is right when the water is boiling over, something is burning in the oven and I'm holding raw meat. He also likes to do it right when we sit down to eat. We've gotten very good at holding him with one arm and eating with another. That's why the poor kid has food stains on his onsies even though he won't be eating for another three months. He's also started letting me read to him again. For a while he would get really restless about three pages in, but now we can get through a couple of books at a time. Our current favorites are Baby Corduroy and the Hug book. He's gotten really good at tummy time all of a sudden and actually smiles during it sometimes- that's a nice change. His hands are now in his mouth at all times. He sucks his thumb and keeps his other hand by his mouth like he's protecting it in case someone tries to take it out. We can see his personality come out more ever day- he's the best. 


Unknown said...

i just wanted to let you know that i absolutely LOVE hearing about Chirstopher! What a great away to keep everyone informed! Let me know when you guys will be in Houston again! I would love to meet him face to face!

Bizibit said...

I'm so glad he likes the HUG book :-) It's one of my favorites too.

Amy said...

I'm glad you like it - it's a fun way to record memories. I'll let you know when we come back home.

And Bonnie - he loves the hug book. Hug, hug, hug, HUG- it's fun to read it to him.

Rachel said...

I'm finally catching up with your blog- it's now in my favorites!
I am so glad he loves Corduroy!
Can't wait to see you guys...only a few more weeks. I will send my list this week- after my exam on Tuesay!