Saturday, August 2, 2008

First Trip to the library

We went to the library on Friday for story time. I'm sure Christopher didn't get a lot out of it, but it was  a good excuse to get out for a while. For some reason I was picturing story time Pearland library style. Not so much. When we got out of the elevator there were at least 30 strollers lined up. I could not believe how many kiddos were there. I thought it would be a good way to meet other moms, but half of the kids were there with their nannies.But it was fun- they had lots of songs and cute books. Christopher was the youngest, but I think it'll be lots of fun when he gets older. 

That night we went out for our first real dinner. Sarah just finished the bar exam, so we all went out to an Italian restaurant with her friend, Purvi. It was fun, just a little stressful. We ate out in the garden, so a screaming baby didn't bother anybody too much (I hope). He was good most of the time, he just cried anytime mom tried to eat or drink anything (I guess that was kind of the whole point of going out to eat). It was a fun night out.

So the pictures: The first is Christopher at the library. The next is him looking at the black and white picture I made him. His pediatrician said we should try to have him look at black and white images while he does tummy time since that's what he sees best.  The 3rd is Chris sitting like a big guy on the couch with Dad. Then, that's me & the little dude in front of the mirror (he likes looking in it now).  The last is him smiling- I think it was a real smile. We get the best smiles when he's bouncing in his chair.

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